Monday, April 20, 2020

A raw scenario for the Americans who wish to compare the Holocaust to abortion

YES, abortion is MURDER and GENOCIDE, and certainly a grievous, horrific sin and social ill that will be dealt with by God Himself. But, unlike humans who have been born and conscious of themselves and their surroundings, those unborn, still-forming tiny innocent babies have NO memory of the pain and anguish, and surely, they go straight to Heaven.

The woman who's aborting doesn't suffer much pain either, and mostly what she really feels is relief "to be rid of it" as she freely walks out of the abortion facility....

(That's all I can bring myself to say about this disgusting, brutal issue, so please don't even TRY to attempt to discuss it further! I don't care to hear your justification, pro or con, because this thread is designed to show the American armchair "experts" why they cannot and should not try to force the ridiculous conclusion that abortion is is comparable to the Holocaust!)

JUST FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES, I want you all to imagine you are a mother sitting in your living room watching TV with your husband and two young children (a boy and a girl), right after you ordered your pizza from the comfort of your own couch during this quarantine. Life has been a little disrupted, but it's still pretty good. Everybody's okay and things will get back to normal soon.

Suddenly, and without warning, a group of armed soldiers break down your front door and, before you have a chance to figure out what's happening, you're being forcefully jerked out of your happy home by armed soldiers, who load you all into the back of a deuce-and-a-half military truck with hundreds of others stacked in tightly.

They take you to the local railroad station, and shove you into a stinking cattle car full of cow manure, where you're again wedged in so tightly between other citizens, that you can hardly breathe.

Eight hours later, both of your small children (as well as many others) are screaming their heads off because they're tired, hungry and have wet their pants because they couldn't hold it anymore....And oh, by the way, YOU also wet your pants, as did most others in that cattle car.

Let's say, after a 12 hour ride, more armed soldiers FINALLY unload you - thousands of you! - which takes HOURS because as you disembark, armed soldiers take your names and personal info, and then you notice that the men are herded to one side of the camp and the women and children, to the other. (YES, you WILL be separated from your husband!)

To your horror, one of the armed guards - a big burly guy with evil eyes - stops you and asks WHICH CHILD you want to keep. "CHOOSE!"

You're too dumbfounded to speak! Choose which child you want to keep? Are you kidding me???

Of course, you can't, and you tell him so in no uncertain terms - UNTIL he takes out his pistol and threatens to shoot both of them right then and there.

So, crying hysterically, you choose the little girl - causing such guilt that it may lead you to suicide in the years to come ... that is, IF you get live ... which is something that just crossed your mind as you realize, standing there in the chilly night without a coat, that the smoke billowing from the chimney in the distance smells eerily like burning flesh ... Surely, it couldn't be human ... could it?

Suddenly, someone comes to take your little boy away and you never see him again. And you and your little girl are marched into a small, cramped barracks where you are told you must share the bottom bunk of a wooden bunk bed that has neither mattress, nor blankets....

The fear in the place is so great you can literally SMELL it - because you don't know WHY any of this is happening! All you (and the thousands of others in those barracks) know is that life as you knew it has come to a screeching halt, and you have NO CLUE what lies ahead. The one thing you DO know is that YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL.

As the months turn into a year, you little son crosses your mind again (as he frequently does, even in your dreams at night) while you quietly toil away in the camp laundry room with your little emaciated daughter (they only give you one bowl of THIN soup per day) by your side (because you're one of the lucky ones who doesn't "look Jewish" and they allowed you to work instead of leading you and the child into the crematorium, as they've done to most of your new "friends"), you look down at your child playing quietly in the corner (for she is not allowed to talk) and you wonder for the millionth time whether you made the "right" choice about "which child" to keep...

Then, early one morning at the break of dawn, the armed soldiers come for your little girl. You cling to her, screaming ... to no avail. They said they needed her for some kind of medical experiment....

"WHY" you demand! And because you couldn't be quiet or or to stop screaming and begging for mercy, one of the soldiers grabs you by the arm and drags you off behind the crematorium to rape you to "teach you a lesson!" When he's done, he jerks you up out of the weeds and forces you INTO the building, where you're forced to strip naked in front of him and dozens of others, before being shoved into a room with other naked people cowering in terror against the four walls.

The last thing you remember before the "Zyklon B" gas renders you unconscious, is that it caused you and everyone else to lose control of their bowels....

PEOPLE, while this kind of thing will NEVER happen in America (as so many conspiracy theorists posit), I am trying to get you to put yourself into JUST ONE POSSIBLE SCENARIO OUT OF THE SIX MILLION STORIES that happened in Germany during WWII - and that doesn't even include all the rest of the innocent civilians whose lives were disrupted and traumatized via starvation, carnage during bombings, and endless terror for SIX STRAIGHT YEARS!

Now - pray tell - as a human being with a conscience, can you honestly still sit in your easy chair and try to tell me that comparing the Holocaust to ANYTHING else in modern history is RIGHT OR FAIR?...

It is truly IGNORANT and even EVIL to attempt to FORCE the comparison of apples and oranges! Except for the soldiers who have experienced actual wartime scenarios, modern-day Americans don't know what a "Holocaust" is....


  1. Ten years ago, one of my sons came home from school with a with an assigned topic for an essay. The topic was "what would you do if you saw a cattle pull up and remove your neighbors at gun point and haul them away?" many of our children have been and are being primed to carry out the very types of actions you portrayed above. HERE IN AMERICA! The sobering fact is, the son of mine who received the above homework assignment will be an eager and willing participant and or supporter of actions such as the ones you listed above.

    1. I think you missed my point which was to get spoiled rotten, loud-mouthed "arm-chair expert" Americans who have never experienced much of anything in their lives (much less, horrific, terrifying times like the Holocaust or actual wartime) to put themselves INTO the scenario so the could get a little understanding.

      My imaginary story (based on REAL stories) had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with what some people THINK is going to happen in America! It will NEVER happen in America. That is total conspiracy theory....


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