There have been some memes going around on social media suggesting that lamb’s blood is an antidote to snake venom – something that isn't really true! Lamb's blood isn't automatically an antidote to snake bites at all. It only becomes an antidote when the lambs are regularly injected with rattle snake venom, and the venom anti-bodies are collected later from their blood.
Let me say that again: Sheep blood does NOT contain anti-venom! Anti-venom is a specific type of medication created by extracting antibodies from the blood of animals, such as horses or sheep, that have been immunized with venom. The antibodies are then purified and used to treat venomous bites or stings. However, the blood itself does not have inherent anti-venom properties.
Memes with "ear-tickling" messages like this, are created by people who believe they have a "great idea' to illustrate trust in God, etc.; but which, in reality, are lies, which (as you know) are NOT a godly virtue! Problem is, they can "go viral" very quickly, as most people simply don't research anything before blindly passing it on...
While I understand what memes like these are trying to illustrate (i.e., belief in Yeshua removes our sin), memes of this type (originating in the misunderstanding of certain scriptures) are among the reasons some Christian cults have been sticking their hands into containers of poisonous snakes, as they believe that belief in "Jesus" will keep them alive, no matter of what peril they encounter.
They don't realize that COMMON SENSE also has to be in place as well, because we should never "test God!” (Except in tithing, as He said, concerning tithing: "Test Me on this!" in Malachi 3:10.)
Not even Yeshua ever “tested” YHWH. Take a look:
Matthew 4:5. Then the accuser took him to the Set Apart city and raised him upon the edge of the temple,[1] 6. and said to him, “If you are the son of Elohim, cast yourself down for it is written that his Messengers he commands concerning you, and upon their hands they will bear you up that your foot should not strike upon a rock.”[2] 7. Y’shua said to him, Again it is written that you will not test Master YHWH your Elohim.[3] (AENT)
[1] A dark foreshadowing of the martyrdom of Ya’akov HaTsaddiq (James the Just) brother of Y’shua. Ya’akov, who routinely prayed at the Temple to ask YHWH’s forgiveness for the sins of his people, was highly regarded for his meekness, devotion and service to the Jewish people. It was said that Ya’akov had camel’s knees because he very often prayed while on his knees. He was ultimately thrown off the top of the Temple by demonized religious fanatics because of his allegiance to Y’shua Mashiyach. Ya’akov taught that Y’shua is the Arm of YHWH revealed, and he refused to renounce his belief in Y’shua Mashiyach. Origen criticized Josephus for attributing the fall of Jerusalem to the martyrdom of Ya’akov, rather than to Y’shua.
[2] Psalm 91:11, 12.
[3] Deuteronomy 6:16
Deuteronomy 6:16 Do not put Adonai your God to the test, as you tested him at Massah [testing].
Luke 4:12 Yeshua answered him, “It also says, ‘Do not put Adonai your God to the test.’”
It’s not a smart idea to blindly pass on memes or interesting-sounding articles. ALWAYS do your own research to test everything you see, read or hear!
Isn’t that exactly what happened to Yeshua….He took on ALL sins and gave His blood to cover our sins. He died with all the sins of the world to be revived through the covering of the sins with his blood.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. It's a great analogy for what Christ did for us. Even though you can't use the blood straight from the lamb because it had to previously be injusted with venom THEN it had the power to destroy the venom, same doe our sins. He has to take them on BEFORE the might work of God could ensue.
DeleteActually scientists use sheep's blood to make anti venom. They don't just use it straight! They have to break it down. You can Google it and see. It's pretty awesome!
ReplyDeleteGreat insight, Aysha! Thanks for the input.
ReplyDeleteI just happened upon this site today checking truth about the lambs blood meme. I enjoy the connection to the Jewish faith. I am studying the Biblical feasts and festivals. In the New Testament Jesus always celebrated them. No where in the Bible does is say these were removed when Jesus came. I’m looking forward to begin having these as part of our family life.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to respond! If you have any questions about your new journey, please don't hesitate to ask. We don't claim to have ALL the answers, but we do our best to simply "be biblical." Blessings on you and yours!