Monday, August 19, 2019

Challenging a "Jesus-rejecter" who insists there never was a virgin birth

Methinks it takes a special kind of dimwittery to make a statement like this, don't you? I mean, how can a "virgin birth" NOT be a sign from God? How many virgins - women who have never been with a man - have miraculously given birth to a baby boy ... a baby who:

-    had no earthly father because, as we see in Luke 1:26–38, was supernaturally placed in the womb by ADONAI Himself (YHWH, whose Word (John 1:1, 14) created the entire universe and everything in it, and who was certainly able to create His baby Messiah in the womb of a virgin) ...

-    was announced to the virgin Miriam by the Angel/Messenger Gabriel who was sent by YHWH to inform her that she would bear His Son (Exdus 13:2, Luke 1:26-38)…

-    was recognized as the Messiah by a man named Shimon who had been informed by the Ruach haKodesh that he would not see death until he saw the Mashiyach of Master YHWH (Isaiah 42:6, Luke 2:25–35)…

-    at the age of 12, was found in a discussion at the Temple where he amazed the elders with his vast knowledge (Luke 2:41–52) ...

-    eventually, after starting his three year ministry ((Luke 3:23) healed the sick (Matthew 8:14-16), raised the dead (John 11:1–44), turned water into wine (John 2:1-11) and supernaturally fed the multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14)...

-    knew that his life would end at the hands of his enemies, and that his shed blood would serve to redeem a deaf, dumb, and dying humanity that kept straying from ELOHIM (Isaiah 53, Luke 18:32, John 18:37, 1 John 3:16)…

-    said, "I am the resurrection and the Life.  He who believes yet in me will never die! " John 11:25-26)

-    And YHWH was well pleased with him (Luke 3:23)

As for William Hall's comment that "there never was a virgin birth prophecy,” I suggest he read Genesis 3:15, which promised that "the seed of woman" would be the victor over the adversary and sin; along with Isaiah 7:14 which says: " 14 Therefore Adonai himself will give you people a sign: the young woman will become pregnant, bear a son and name him 'Immanu El [God is with us]. " (CJB).

According to Matthew 1:22-23, this prophecy was fulfilled in Miriam who was called a "virgin" in Luke 1:27.  (Actually, the term was "almah"  - which certainly means  more than "young woman" as shown in our article:  Miriam did not conceive through ordinary means, but through the Ruach haKodesh/Holy Spirit.

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