Sunday, January 12, 2025

Do you have any “smoldering stumps of firewood”plotting to ruin your life?

“SMOLDERING STUMPS OF FIREWOOD” …THOSE WORDS STOOD OUT TO ME the other day, as my husband and I continued to make our way through the Bible, because they perfectly describe some of the “problem people” or “tares” in our life:

Isaiah 7:4-5: “…Take care to stay calm and unafraid; don’t be demoralized by these two smoldering stumps of firewood... (and others who) ...have been plotting against you”… (CJB)

The words hit me so hard because, at some point in our life most, or ALL of us, have experienced “enemies” who disliked us enough to spend time “plotting against us” in some way.

I certainly have!

One example that comes to mind is a high-ranking Department of the Army Civilian I worked for in Germany in the 1985/86 timeframe … a psychopath who loved to harass people by “toying” with them in various ways, in attempt to provoke in them the “fight or flight” response.

My boss (let’s call him “J.D.”) was the head of an Army Public Affairs Office in Heidelberg, Germany, who attempted to ruin, not just my military career, but my entire life, for reasons that remain a mystery still today!

Truth be told, J.D. didn’t need any reasons; he simply took pleasure in harassing and making fun of people, mimicking them, or purposely “pushing their buttons” in some way until they couldn’t take it anymore. He was an “equal opportunity” harasser and bigot. NOBODY was safe from him!

Unfortunately, most people were too afraid to “talk back” or report him – mainly because of his position and temperament. Nobody dared to challenge him … nobody that is, except for me! (If I feel threatened in any way, I don’t lay down and play dead. I’m very tough, because I have had a tough life.  My motto has always been: “The buck stops here!”)

When I realized I had become J.D.’s target, I immediately began keeping records and evidence about his tactics – keeping detailed notes on not only what he was doing to me, but also to others; all of which I ultimately used to report him to the Command’s Inspector General’s Office.

In the end I won my case but, suffice it to say, it was a VERY grueling, lonely, tedious, year-long, uphill battle going up against someone who was buddy-buddy with the Command Sergeant Major, the Chief of Staff and the General - because “the powers that be” ALWAYS tend to “side” with the higher-ranking person! I cannot begin to explain to you the myriad gyrations I was forced to endure in order to “prove” that I wasn’t the worthless employee and “loser” J.D. was trying to make me out to be…

MORE ON THAT LATER, but first I want to share with you one other example of J.D.’s sick antics:

During my first six months in that particular Public Affairs Office, we went through two different secretaries – both of whom left BECAUSE of J.D. Unfortunately, neither was brave enough to report him to the command before they left, because his tendency to terrorize made people paranoid. (That man’s countenance was absolutely demonic whenever he was angry! He could be a real force to deal with!)

Anyway, the secretary who was there when I first arrived at my new duty station, was a German lady who was married to a Black soldier. She left shortly after my arrival, but before she left, she confided to me that her departure was due solely to J.D.’s endless racial jokes and constant mention of the fact that she was married to a Black man, as if it was a “bad” thing.

Her replacement was a black lady from the Bahamas, who happened to be married to a white, Italian man. The couple had two young “mixed race” boys who – as you might guess – were to become J.D.’s next target. The whole situation served as a huge guffaw for J.D. who spent days talking about it in the office.

One day, after looking at the new secretary’s family photo on her desk, J.D let out a huge, comical snort and said: “Well, I don’t know about you all, but it sure looks to me like our ‘Local-National Personnel Office’ mandates that the Public Affairs Secretarial position has to be filled by women involved in interracial marriages!”

“That’s not true!” the secretary countered, quickly adding: “Does it bother you that I’m Black? I mean, you keep bringing it up.”

“Oh, no, of course not!” he replied indignantly. Pulling his lips into a sardonic grin, he continued, “I’m just joking! Don’t take it seriously. I just like to kid around. You’ll get used to me, don’t worry!”

Instead of leaving it at that, the next day, he once again approached her desk and casually asked her if she would mind if he called her children ‘Oreos’.

Tossing him a questioning glance, she responded, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you mean by that.”

“Oh, sorry,” he replied with a grin. “What I mean is, your kids are like those cookies we have in America, called ‘Oreos’. They’re black on the outside and white on the inside.”

Clearly incensed over his comments, she stood and looked him straight in the eye and demanded to know why he felt a need to label her children at all.

Not used to being challenged, J.D. stiffened as his face flushed, but he quickly managed to regain composure. Jaw visibly clenched, he patted her on the shoulder, then turned to head into his office, and tersely said over his shoulder in a tone that left no doubt that this brand new relationship was going to be short-lived: “Don’t worry, honey, I’m just kidding. I promise you, it will never happen again.”

Well, that was the beginning of the end, and we all knew that this secretary wasn’t going to be with us much longer…

The final straw came just a few months later when the secretary called J.D. one morning to inform him that she had fired her baby-sitter for physically abusing her little boys (aged 5 and 7), and she was planning to take the day off to look for a new sitter.

No one knows what was going through J.D.’s mind at the time, but he let her know in no uncertain terms that he was NOT giving her the day off, because she was “urgently needed in the office.” To make sure she understood the consequences, he firmly added that she would receive a letter of reprimand if she refused to come in.

Having overheard the conversation, I quickly went into his office to let him know I would be happy to fill in for her – but, obviously annoyed and shaking his head vehemently, he quickly dismissed me with an impatient wave of his hand…

When the secretary showed up some 45 minutes later, J.D. came out of his office to ask if she had found a sitter, to which she shook her head and replied that, since she wasn’t allowed to take the day off, she had been forced to ask one of her neighbors to check on her boys throughout the day.

The bottom line to all this was that J.D. didn’t really have any urgent need for the secretary’s presence there that day; he simply didn’t want to grant her the day off. The “end of everything” came just before quitting time, when she received a call from a Child Protection Advocate, telling her that she had been reported her for abandoning her children.

“This is the last straw!” she shouted. Angrily marching into J.D.’s office, she demanded to know if he was the one who had reported her and - as she told me just before she tearfully stomped out of the office forever - he was squatted behind his desk, hands laced behind his head as he leaned back in his chair, and nonchalantly admitted to having turned her in. “Well, of course I did,” he had told her with a huge, triumphant smile. “It was my duty. I mean, what kind of mother would leave her little kids alone all day long?”

…OKAY, SO I WROTE ALL THIS to show you that this man was a total psycho. I won’t go into what all he did to me; but suffice it to say, the year I worked for him was one of the hardest times of my life. Unlike the civilian employees, there could be no “flight response” for me. Since I was an Army journalist, I couldn’t simply “find a new job somewhere else,” and so I was forced to stay and prepare to get into the “fight” mode…

To make that proverbial long story short, while I searched (and failed) to find another Army Public Affairs position, the Chain of Command did allow me to be reassigned to the Congressional Inquiries Office in the Personnel Directorate, while my Inspector General investigation was underway.

As I mentioned above, in the end, I won …and in the meantime, because of my “time in grade” and stellar military service for my then 16 years in the Army – much to J.D.’s consternation, I was even promoted to Master Sergeant/E-8!

Looking back, even though I didn’t know YHWH or Yeshua back then, our ELOHIM protected me from that demon and even repaid him for his evil deeds! Here’s what ultimately transpired – and my story has a HAPPY ending:

Approximately year after I had reported J.D. and kicked off an investigation that seemed to be moving slower than those proverbial “molasses in January,” J.D. took a job at the Pentagon to become Chief of Public Affairs.

I remember being EXTREMELY distraught when I heard about it - because I couldn’t figure out WHY the Command hadn’t taken ANY kind of action against this sick monster – and had even seen fit to allow him to be promoted! As far as I was concerned, he should have been BOOTED OUT of the Civil Service!

But then, quite out of a blue a couple weeks later, something happened to help snap me out of my depression and restore my faith in “the system”…

It happened when, one morning the new Chief of Staff of the Command came into the Congressional Inquiries Office and, in front of everyone, he said he came to APOLOGIZE on behalf of the new General and the entire Command about the way my “J.D. investigation” had been handled!

The Colonel started off by assuring me that things would have turned out radically different, had this new “Chain of Command” been in charge when this incident took place! Unfortunately, my investigation had been “placed on the back burner” because the Command was undergoing a change in leadership at the time, which is why things turned out the way they did…

While that didn’t exactly thrill me (because I had wanted J.D. FIRED!), I practically jumped for joy when the Colonel related that J.D. didn’t completely get away unscathed. He said, because of my bravery in daring to take J.D. on, and “outing him” - he had lost the healthy sum of money he was supposed to have received via that year’s Civilian Incentive Award. AND, not only that, but the new General had sent a letter forwarding a copy of the Inspector General’s Investigation packet to J.D.’s new boss at the Pentagon, informing him of this incident.

I was elated! As far as I was concerned, that was at least “some” vindication – it was better than nothing.

But there is more to the story.

At some point after J.D. had taken the Pentagon job, I heard “through the grapevine” that his position had been DOWNGRADED (for reasons unknown to me); but years later when the Internet was in full swing, I Googled his name, and was thrilled to see that he had unsuccessfully attempted to fight the demotion, and to add insult to injury, he didn’t even receive the new position he was seeking!

So – all’s well that ends well!

As for me, everything was suddenly “coming up roses” because, in the winter of 1989, I was selected to attend the prestigious United States Army Sergeant Major’s Academy in El Paso, Texas, where – after graduation, the Commandant asked me to stay on as a lesson developer and substitute Instructor … AND soon thereafter, I discovered that I had made the Sergeant Major’s List!

I’ll never be able to forget what happened in Germany those 40 long years ago, but I have forgiven J.D. in the meantime; and turned him over to YHWH. I don’t know whatever happened to him, and I don’t care, as it just doesn’t matter anymore.

I WILL SAY THIS, THOUGH: Baruch haShem YHWH for working behind the scenes to protect me from those “smoldering stumps of firewood” that tried to destroy me! Even though I was just a “lukewarm” believer back then, I was being supernaturally protected. Satan tried to kill me, but YHWH turned it all around for GOOD! Halleluyah! Praise Him forever!


  1. Thank you for these words of encouragement. You are a blessing.

  2. You're very welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write! :)


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