Sunday, January 26, 2025

A great reminder concerning the 7th Day Sabbath


  • Food was made for man, not man for food.
  • Water was made for man, not man for water.
  • Air was made for man, not man for air.
  • Sunlight was made for man, not man for sunlight.
  • Homes were made for man, not man for homes.

I am sure I can list off several other things that were made for man, but you get the point, right?

In the same manner, The Sabbath REST is a basic human need. If you do an honest study of Scripture, this becomes clear. There is even modern scientific and health-based research that supports the idea that The Sabbath is literally a human need on the same level as food, water, air, sunlight, and shelter.

A lot of people contend that "Jesus is our Sabbath now" and that somehow means that we don't have to keep it.

Well, The Bible says that:

  • Yeshua is the bread of life, does that mean we stop eating food?
  • Yeshua is the light of the world, does that mean we stop going out in the daylight of the sun?
  • Yeshua is the door we enter in, does that mean we no longer enter the door of our homes, our shelters?

Some say, based on John 7:38, that Yeshua is the living water, does that mean we stop drinking water?

Some would even say that Yeshua is the breath of life, does that mean we hold our breath and stop taking in air, suffocating ourselves?

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