“I going to be honest in that I am struggling since I came to Torah observance. Why does YHWH need a messiah? I believe that Yeshua is real but don’t understand why Jewish people don’t think He is Messiah. Then I am struggling with there is only one God so why does He need another man? Scriptures please.”
QUESTION: Why does YHWH need a messiah?
ANSWER: The simple answer on this is: He probably doesn’t “need one”; however, since we mere humans cannot actually SEE God Himself (and it’s hard to believe in, and worship an “invisible” entity), He obviously decided to send one as a human who was to teach mankind face-to-face via a “human vessel” that could help us understand Him better.
That is why He supernaturally sent “The Word” (John 1:1, 14) into a human woman’s womb, who would be born to be the Messiah … someone who was totally sinless in every way (so that he could later offer himself as the Final SIN Sacrifice*, and relieve us of the burden of having to kill innocent animals to atone for our sins); and would teach not just the ordinary population, but also the Rabbis who needed to be “wowed” and reminded that they weren’t doing everything correctly, and had even been “putting fences” around His Word and thus turning some of His commands into a burden.
(NOTE: *By the way, Yeshua was not “sacrificed” as nobody sacrificed him in the Temple; he willingly martyred himself on our behalf, against which there is NO Torah law.)
Furthermore, YHWH actually SAID He was going to send us someone who would be “greater than Moshe” who was to do everything He ordered him to do – and I’m taking this straight from my website’s article Proclaming Torah which says, in part:
Deuteronomy 18: 15 "ADONAI will raise up for you a prophet like me from among yourselves, from your own kinsmen. You are to pay attention to him, 16 just as when you were assembled at Horev and requested ADONAI your God, 'Don't let me hear the voice of ADONAI my God any more, or let me see this great fire ever again; if I do, I will die!' 17 On that occasion ADONAI said to me, 'They are right in what they are saying. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I order him. (CJB)
Yeshua then said He came to teach and do HIS FATHER's will; not his own – in words that God’s people could understand!
John 6: 35. Y'shua said to them, I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will not hunger. And whoever believes in me will not ever thirst. 36. But I have said to you that you have seen me, and you do not believe. 37. All who my Father has given to me will come, and whoever comes not to me I will cast outside! 38. For I came down from heaven,[1] not to do my will, but to do the will of Him who sent me. 39. And this is His will, that of Him who sent me, that all that He has given to me I do not lose even one. 40. For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day. (AENT)
[1] As in the context of Miltha (the Word) or the "Manifestation" or the "Will of" YHWH coming down from heaven to do the Will of YHWH upon earth; his Spirit is of YHWH but his nephesh (soul) and body are human and temporal. This shows that Yeshua was NOT in charge; HIS FATHER WAS!
QUESTION: I believe that Yeshua is real but don’t understand why Jewish people don’t think He is Messiah.
ANSWER: The short answer is that Christians have turned “Jesus” into God Himself, and Jesus is supposedly the be-all-end-all, and the Father (YHWH) is hardly ever mentioned in church! To them, it’s all about “Jesus!”
The Jews know and believe that throughout the Torah, YHWH kept telling them He was the ONLY God – and He IS! Yet, Christians have turned “Jesus” into “God in the Flesh” – which is not a good description at all. He was the DIVINE Messiah (“divine” because of who his Father was!). Yeshua had a divine Nature, and thus, he innately KNEW YHWH’s Will (because he was “The Word made flesh” after all (and “the Word” is a PART of who YHWH is!). Yeshua clearly had a special relationship with YHWH that we mere humans cannot possibly comprehend. However, he was NOT a separate god! He CAME from God as His prophesied MESSIAH – someone who was able to be born and die (neither of which YHWH ELOHIM can ever do and never did!)…
Take a look at these passages from the Hebrew and Aramaic viewpoints:
Here are some great footnotes in the Aramaic English New Testament to John 1:1 and 14:
Yochanan 1:1. In the beginning [1] was the Miltha.[2] And that Miltha was with Elohim, and Elohim was that Miltha. 2. This was with Elohim in the beginning.[3] (AENT)
[1] The phrase B’resheet aytohi hwa miltha breaks a most basic rule of Aramaic grammar by combining a feminine noun (miltha) with two masculine verbs for “to be” (aytohi, hwa). This is unheard of in Aramaic literature other than right here in this passage and in 1 John. This shows YHWH has male and female “images/spirits” even though YHWH remains a He. It may also be a midrash on Isaiah 11:1-2, which describes the Spirit of YHWH descending on Mashiyach using both masculine and feminine suffixes. This is not something easily translated, let alone when it occurs within the first four words.
[2] Miltha has no direct English equivalent. It can mean ‘Word’, ‘Manifestation’, ‘Instance’ or ‘Substance’ among other things. In this context, it may best be left untranslated.
[3] Fulfilling Messianic prophecy: Mashiyach (ruler of Israel) to have origins of the ancient past Micah 5:2; Isaiah 48:16. Bear in mind that Micah is referring to the spiritual “Israel of Elohim,” those of the Kingdom of Heaven according to the circumcision of heart.
John 1:14. And the Miltha[1] became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory,[2] the glory as the Only-Begotten[3] who is from the Father who is full of grace and truth. 15. Yochanan witnessed concerning him and cried out and said, “This is he whom I said would come after me, and yet be before me because he was earlier than me.” 16. And from his fullness we all have received grace on account of grace; 17. Because Torah was given through Moshe, but truth[4] and grace[5] through Y’shua who is the Mashiyach.[6] 18. Man has not ever seen Elohim. The Only Begotten of Elohim, he who is in the bosom of his Father, he has declared Him. (AENT)
[[1]] Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach. The physical body of Mashiyach is not the Word of YHWH, but his words and actions demonstrate the Will and Word of YHWH, which upholds observance of Torah. However, Christo-Pagans like Marcion and Constantine taught that Y’shua’s body and spirit manifest a different “word” that did away with Torah. The Word of YHWH was substituted with dispensational and replacement “theologies,” which are very popular among Christians.
[2] Isaiah 42:8; 48:11
[3] Ekhadaya is a beautiful term used among Eastern theologians and poets; it literally means “THE ONE”
[4] Shemot/Ex. 34:5, 6; D’varim/Deut. 32:4; Psalm 25:10; 31:5; 119:142, 151; 146:5, 6; Isaiah 65:16; Jer. 4:1, 2; John 17:17.
[5] Genesis 6:8; Shemot/Ex. 33:12-17; Psalm 84:11; Jeremiah 31:1-3; see footnote 1 Peter 5:10.
[6] The Torah of Moshe is the Word of YHWH, but grace and truth revealed in Y’shua are the impelling forces that uphold all righteousness and keep the Word of YHWH (Torah) positioned in our hearts; these are complimentary, not opposites. It is according to the Grace of the Father YHWH that Mashiyach is revealed in a person’s heart; see John 17:9, 10.
As mentioned above, Yeshua was sent by the Father NOT to do his own will, but the Father's! So many erroneously seem to think he came to replace the Father and abolish Torah....Yet he came to restore man's relationship with YHWH and remind us to totally rely on YHWH for everything. There are LOTS of scripture passages, complete with proper footnotes on the above-mentioned article and I would highly suggest you read it all in order to get the “whole” picture:
I believe all of the above serves to answer your final question: “Then I am struggling with there is only one God so why does He need another man?”...