Friday, January 31, 2020

Exposing the nonsensical comments of yet another Jesus-rejecter

The woman in this screen shot from Facebook made this comment on a “counter-missionary” thread that was poking fun at a picture of the Last Supper:

So – unlike the OPINION you see espoused in the screenshot, let’s check to see what the BIBLE says:

The judgement of Exodus 11 was death of the first-born. This judgement was not levied only on the Egyptians - all firstborn (ch'ol b'ch'or) in the land of Egypt were to die - (Exodus 11:5). Only those who got together and put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts as YHWH ordered were spared this death of the firstborn (Exodus 12:13).

Thing is, the people who killed a lamb and spread its blood in their doorjambs were "redeemed". This event was NOT an "atonement" for sins! Note that the entire family, not just the first-born were "redeemed" because no one in those homes presenting the lamb’s blood on the door posts suffered a loss. Again, this was NOT an "atonement".

Yom Kippur, on the other hand, is the annual atonement for the sins of all the people - a redemption, yes, but not a permanent redemption (Leviticus 16:30-34)!

To live eternally with YHWH, one must be redeemed. Prayer and tzedakah taught today in Judaism, since there is no Temple, is simply not enough! These things provide only a temporary return to cleanliness, worthiness, possibly holiness to be before YHWH.

Being "saved" requires, in addition to living righteously, the substitution on the altar - a "redemption" if you will - of a nephesh for your nephesh. This was always required, and with or without the temple, it is still required. Most people don't understand this. "For the life [nephesh] of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as life [nephesh], that effects expiation." (Leviticus 17:11, JPS Tanakh).

Most Jewish rabbis dismiss this verse as only addressing individual sins or only condemning the consumption of blood; sins, they say, can be atoned for by other means, thus they dismiss that expiation of sin by blood is required.

But the Jewish rabbis miss the point. Annually at Yom Kippur, at the Temple, the people were both atoned for in their earthly lives (the goat released to Azazel, Leviticus 16:21), and they were purified, "ta'her", (meaning "sound, unadulterated, pure) for their everlasting life. In other words they were, at that moment, redeemed by the blood of another life. This is different than just being "forgiven".
Redemption is required to be in the presence of YHWH and redemption is by blood - one nefesh for another.

Note verse 30, Leviticus 16: "For on this day shall atonement be made for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins shall ye be clean before the LORD" (JPS Tanakh). See the words "ye shall be clean before the LORD"? No one unclean can appear before YHWH (Leviticus 15:31; Chronicles 23:19), so this is a redemption - a price was paid (one nephesh) for the sinner's nephesh, so they are able now to appear before Him.

Thus, every year, the people were redeemed and should they then die that year, provided they did not again intentionally sin, that is, they remained righteous, their place in the Kingdom of YHWH was assured - that year.

But YHWH put an end to these "annual" redemptive events and instead promised that He would be our salvation (Isaiah 60:16). That happened. He sent His redeemer, and then just one generation later, the Temple was destroyed! Now all who are redeemed must accept that they were redeemed by YHWH through Yeshua or they have no way to be redeemed. It's so sad that so many don't see this.

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