Isn’t it interesting to note how YHWH constantly reached out to His people - and that His stipulations were always the same?
1 Kings 6: 11 Then this word of ADONAI came to Shlomo: 12 "Concerning this house which you are building: if you will live according to my regulations, follow my rulings and observe all my mitzvot and live by them, then I will establish with you my promise that I made to David your father- 13 I will live in it among the people of Isra'el, and I will not abandon my people Isra'el."
Now watch how Yeshua fit into the grand scheme of things!
Hebrews 8: 1. Now the sum of the whole is this; we have a High Priest who is seated on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven: 2. And he is the minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which Elohim has pitched, and not man. 3. For every high priest is established to offer oblations and sacrifices; and therefore, it was proper that this one should also have something to offer.[1] 4. And if he were on earth, he would not be a priest because there are priests (there) who offer gifts[2] in accordance with Torah: 5. (namely) they who minister in the emblem and shadow of the things in heaven: as it was said to Moshe when he was about to build the tabernacle; see and make every thing according to the pattern which was showed you in the mount.
6. But now, Y'shua the Mashiyach has received a ministry which is better than that: as also the covenant of which he is made the Mediator is better, and is given with better promises than the former. 7. For, if the first (covenant) had been faultless, there would have been no place for this second (one).[3] 8. For he rebukes them and says: Behold the days come, says Master YHWH, when I will complete with the family of the house of Israel and with the family of the house of Yehuda, a renewed covenant;[4] 9. not like the covenant which I gave to their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt; (and) because they continued not in my covenant, I also rejected them, says Master YHWH.
10. But this is the covenant which I will give to the family of the house of Israel after those days, says Master YHWH: I will put my Torah in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts; and I will be to them a Elohim, and they will be to me a people. 11. And one will not teach his son of the city nor his brother, nor say: You shall know your Master YHWH: because they will all know me, from the youngest of them to the oldest. 12. And I will forgive them their iniquity; and their sins will I remember no more. 13. In that he said a Renewed (Covenant), he made the first old; and that which is old and decaying, is near to disappearing.[5] (AENT)
[1] The references relate to Torah (instruction) about the priestly services, not the Torah (Revelation at Sinai), even though both are referenced by the same word in both Hebrew and in Aramaic.
[2] Present tense, clearly indicating the Temple in Jerusalem was standing when this Epistle was written.
[3] Most Christians seem to forget that without the first covenant, the second one is impossible! In very short order Rav Shaul will quote Jeremiah 31:31-34, indicating that the Renewed Covenant is a contingency triggered by, and deriving authority from, the first covenant. YHWH declared that the Ancient Covenant He made with Israel was good; it was to bring life, but the people of Israel chose to willfully break this Covenant and treat it as a vain thing. See Deuteronomy 32:46, 47.
[4] Paul makes reference to the Renewed Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) nine times in this letter.
[5] The context is Jeremiah 31:31-34, what is "near to disappearing" is the sinful nature of man that breaks Torah, not the standard of Torah. Remember that we broke Torah, not YHWH. YHWH did not drop the standard of Torah because Israel chose disobedience; rather, He installed a Renewed Covenant to write Torah upon the heart through the work of the Ruach haKodesh, according to Mashiyach.
The fact of the matter is that in Mashiyach, YHWH raised the bar; He magnified Torah; see Isaiah 42:21. Because mankind broke Covenant, YHWH requires complete renovation on our part, not YHWH's part of the Covenant. This verse in its twisted form, became one of the "crown jewels" of Torahless Christianity which teaches that Torah is decaying and is near to disappearing, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
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