Saturday, February 22, 2025

God allows the astute to “see” the “story behind the stories”…

HERE’s A COOL TIDBIT FROM EXODUS 35:1 THROUGH 38:20 – stuff many simply pass over, never really contemplating the “story behind the story.”

For instance, these passages in Exodus 35 not only frame a picture of the crafting of YHWH's Tabernacle and everything contained therein; but they give us an insight into the gifts YHWH gave His people to accomplish their work in the building of the Tabernacle where He would dwell.

Let’s quickly discuss one of these great nuggets by concentrating on two men: B'tzal'el, the man charged with the construction of the Tabernacle; and his helper, Oholi’av. Here’s the scripture:

Exodus 35:30 Moshe said to the people of Isra'el, "See, ADONAI has singled out B'tzal'el the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Y'hudah. 31 He has filled him with the Spirit of God - with wisdom, understanding and knowledge concerning every kind of artisanry.

32 He is a master of design in gold, silver, bronze, 33 cutting precious stones to be set, woodcarving and every other craft. 34 [ADONAI] has also given him and Oholi'av the son of Achisamakh, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.

35 He has filled them with the skill needed for every kind of work, whether done by an artisan, a designer, an embroiderer using blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and fine linen, or a weaver - they have the skill for every kind of work and design. (CJB)

The name of B'tzal'el is interesting because his very name provides a fascinating clue about his gifting. You see, his name comes from a combination of three Hebrew words: Be (which means “in”), tz'el (which means “shade”), and El (which is short for “Elohim”).

Together, this can be translated as, "in the shadow of Elohim." Now, the name Oholi'av means both “Father's Tent” and “Father's Shine.”  This is remarkable because the meaning of both names of fits together as if to show us a hint as to why YHWH put the two men with their special gifts together!  Read on...

B'tzal'el means "In The Shadow of Elohim"; the shade or shadow (tz'el) of Elohim is a special place of refuge. The most Kadosh (Holy) item IN THE Mishkan was the Aron Habberit (the Ark of the Covenant), made by B'tzal'el - IN THE shadow ("tent or shine") of YHWH - as the artisan's name indicates!

Josephus tells us in in the Antiquities 3.8.4 that B'tzal'el and Oholi'av appeared to be the most skillful of the workmen; for they invented finer works than what others had done before them; and were of great abilities to gain notions of what they were formerly ignorant of … and of these, B'zal'el was judged to be the best.

Oh, what an awesome ELOHIM we serve – who puts all the pieces of His grand puzzle together - and allows the astute to “see” the "Grand Plan" in the “stories behind the stories!”

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