Thursday, April 1, 2021

Biden’s new policy will permit transgender types to “serve under their self-identified gender”….

Well, today I am left wondering if our world can get any weirder! Biden admin scrapped Trump's restrictions on transgender troops - which I guess is fine. HOWEVER: "The new policy will permit transgender people to serve openly under their self-identified gender and prohibit discrimination."


(1) They can serve "under their self-identified gender and prohibit discrimination"???? Soooo, barracks life will be "co-ed" and men and women who live in barracks situations and "identify as" the opposite sex" but haven't actually yet had their genitalia changed, will be showering and peeing right next to each other in the same bathrooms....

(2) Once you're in the military, you're entitled to free medical care, which means, in order to keep troops IN the military *as people aren't exactly flocking to join the military), they will offer these "gender reassignment surgeries" for free.....

(3) BOTTOM LINE: Guess who foots the bill for the American military forces? Yep, that's right: YOU DO! And that's fine, because we NEED military forces. But now, because some people are "confused" or "unhappy" with their birth gender, the military (supported by YOU) will be paying for "gender reassignment" surgeries!

Stop the world and let me off....

It was tough enough to live in Army barracks (back when I was a young soldier and HAD to live in the barracks) and deal with certain room mates' and their idiosyncrasies and "lifestyle choices" (which included dealing with their constant sharing of their sexual exploits, and their drunken binges and cleaning up their vomit, etc.).

But at least women lived in women's barracks and men lived in men's barracks, and you didn't have to worry about "being ogled" or raped, or made to "feel uncomfortable" whenever you went to the community bathroom on your floor.

But, what the heck ever happened to the RIGHTS of those of us who "identify" as one of the two genders God created; and to NOT BE FORCED to LIVE with a room mate(s), whose "gender identity choice" impacts us on a daily basis (i.e., using the "common area" showers and toilets)?

While I can kind of understand someone's desire to "be the opposite gender," it is a real conundrum for most of us who live in a "normal" male-female world, to suddenly find ourselves FORCED into "their" world! I know from experience with past "gay" Army room mates, that they will inevitably talk about their lifestyle and pain and anguish, etc., and constantly draw you into their world, in one way or another.

It was especially bad for me, decades ago, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico - which is in the middle of nowhere; whose nearest city is Las Cruces, which is approximately 25 miles away. That is where I encountered my first "gay" room mate, Lorraine, who was more masculine than most men I'd ever known.

Anyway, I was 19, and had no money to buy a car, and was stuck "bumming rides" or waiting on a bus, if I wanted to get off post.

On one hand, I found myself feeling sorry for Lorraine (and others I knew over the years); and on the other, I felt trapped and FORCED into living with, and endlessly commiserating and consoling, someone who had "identity" issues. Sometimes, it got to the point where I didn't want to go "home" after work in the evenings, because I knew the moment I stepped through that door, I would be transported onto another plane...

It got really, really, REALLY tiring trying to "be there" for Lorraine all the time. The only way to get away from "her lifestyle" web, was to go to the Army post's bowling alley or NCO club, or whatever ... ANYTHING to get away from "home" where I could "feel normal" in a male-female environment. (And yes, she did come onto me many times, trying to "guilt me" into how lonely she was, etc.)

She eventually got kicked out of the Army, and I got a new room mate, which made life a little more bearable for me. But there were a few more over the years like Lorraine, and I learned to "just deal with it." Luckily, I was good at my job and was promoted quickly, and so my "barracks experience" only lasted maybe three years total. After that, I always lived off post.

What galls me is that, somehow, today, WE (who simply accept the fact that we're either male or female and are good with that) are somehow "wrong" - people to be "schooled in tolerance"; shunned and degraded for OUR "normal"... the "normal" that has been viewed as NORMAL since the beginning of time....

The world has gone completely NUTS!

Here are some pertinent scripture passages to help illustrate why these things are happening:

2 Thessalonians 2:9 When this man who avoids Torah comes, the Adversary will give him the power to work all kinds of false miracles, signs and wonders. 10 He will enable him to deceive, in all kinds of wicked ways, those who are headed for destruction because they would not receive the love of the truth that could have saved them. 11 This is why God is causing them to go astray, so that they will believe the Lie. 12 The result will be that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken their pleasure in wickedness, will be condemned. (CJB)

2 Timothy 3: 1. But know this: That in the latter days hard times will come: 2. and men will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, boasters, proud, revilers, unyielding towards their own people, deniers of grace, wicked, 3. unloving, addicted to irreconcilable malicious gossips, ferocious, haters of the good, 4. treacherous, rash, inflated, attached to pleasure more than to the love of Elohim, 5. having a form of respect for Elohim but wide from the power of Elohim. Them who are such, repel from you. 6. For of them are they who creep into this and that house and captivate the women who are plunged in sins and led away by divers lusts, 7. who are always learning, and can never come to the knowledge of the truth. (AENT)

2 Timothy 4:1. I charge you before Elohim and our Master Y’shua the Mashiyach who is to judge the living and the dead at the manifestation of his Kingdom 2. Proclaim the Word and persist (in it) with diligence, in time and out of time; admonish and rebuke with all patience and instructiveness. 3. For the time will come when they will not give ear to sound teaching; but, according to their lusts, will multiply to themselves teachers in the itching of their hearing; 4. and will turn away their ears from the truth, and incline after fables. 5. But be vigilant in all things; and endure evils and do the work of a proclaimer of the Good News, and fulfill your ministry. (AENT)

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