Saturday, October 5, 2024

What did people see in the "Upper Room?"


We will never know, at least in this life, just what people saw in that upper room two thousand years ago. Was it really pieces of fire shaped like tongues that rested on the head of each individual? What did they see?

The word tongue in Aramaic is leshana which really means language. The word cloven is peleg which means separate and divide. So there appeared to them separate languages that rested upon them? What does a language look like? Then it says it was like fire. Both Greek and Aramaic uses the preposition like or as so it wasn’t real fire. Jewish sages such as Alshich taught that fire was a symbol of God’s love and passion. Moses saw a burning bush but it was not really burning in the sense of consuming the bush. He saw God’s love and consuming passion. What does love and consumming passion look like?

-Chaim Bentorah Ministries

May be an image of 2 people and text

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