Sunday, October 6, 2024


Many people seem to view themselves as experts in everything concerning the Bible, and they will argue till you’re blue in the face to hang onto their own viewpoints! They don’t care to discuss or perhaps LEARN anything; they just always want to “be right.” (Honestly, I’m ashamed to admit it, but those types can truly “bring out the carnal” in me…)

I’m especially incensed by those who clearly don’t know what the heck they’re talking about; yet, will bash and trash those who do, with one of their favorite lines being, “Provide me with Book, chapter and verse for that!”

Truth is, we don't always have specific scriptures to back up certain things (such as, for instance, calendar or astronomical issues), because the Bible isn’t specific on every little thing; it doesn’t provide an explicit and complete map of the universe, or lay out indepth teachings on astrophysics, biology and other fields of science.

But, we DO have science and astronomical signs, modern equipment and technology, and, hopefully, common sense to use in our efforts to learn and grow. (Unfortunately, there are those who will rip your face off for mentioning the word “science”…)

Anyway, I’m just venting here; and have decided that, from now on, whenever I encounter these “armchair experts,” who demand “Book, Chapter and Verse” for every little thing, I am going to respond with the following:

“Dear brother and/or sister, the Bible tells us to be kind to one another. (Ephesians 4:31-32; Matthew 7:12; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Colossians 3:12; Galatians 5:22-23; etc.) While I appreciate your opinions and zeal for Truth, I would ask that you chain your sarcasm and show a little respect for my viewpoint, as well.

“If you cannot do that, then my challenge to you is to “provide Book, Chapter and Verse” for the wearing of socks or pants, employing the transportation of jets, trains, tractors, buses, cars or motorcycles, or mention the use of computers or cell phones.

“If you cannot find the pertinent Bible passages, then - unless YOU are a calendar expert or an astronomer, or a (fill in the blank); then perhaps you need to toss out of your life ALL of those things BEFORE you write another word designed to diminish my own knowledge/viewpoint/opinion/education. Thank you in advance for your understanding.”

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