Sunday, July 7, 2024

A powerful warning to keep from straying off ADONAI’s Path

THIS PASSAGE CONTAINS A POWERFUL MESSAGE, featuring yet another stern warning that YHWH's people must stay on track and stop straying because the enemy is out there constantly, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Throughout the ages we have, over and over again, seen ADONAI warning His people to humble themselves before Him, making sure to remain clean in thought and deed:

James 4: 1. From where is it, that there are among you arguments and conflicts? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members? 2. You covet but do not possess; and you kill and envy, and effect nothing: and you fight and make attacks; and you do not have, because you do not ask.

3. You ask, and do not receive because you ask wickedly, that you may feed your lusts. 4. You adulterers, don't you know that the love of the world is hatred towards Elohim? He therefore who chooses to be a lover of this world is the enemy of Elohim. 5. Or do you think that the Scripture has vainly said: The spirit dwelling in us lusts with envy?

6. But our Master (Y'shua) has given us more grace. Therefore he said: Master YHWH brings low the arrogant, and gives grace to the humble. 7. Subject yourselves therefore to Elohim; and stand firm against the Accuser and he will flee from you. 8. Draw near to Elohim and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners: sanctify your hearts, you who are divided in mind.[1]

9. Humble yourselves and mourn: let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into grief. 10. Humble yourselves before Master YHWH and He will exalt you. 11. Speak not against each other, my Brothers; for he that speaks against his brother, or judges his brother speaks against Torah and judges Torah. And if you judge Torah, you are not a doer of Torah, but its judge. 12. There is one Torah-giver[2] and Judge who can make alive and (can) destroy: but who are you that you judge your neighbor? (AENT)


[1] Torah is our judge! If you add your own judgments to those already established in the Torah of YHWH, then you have judged Torah as insufficient, and are not allowing it to be your judge.

[2] One Torah Giver who gives One Torah. The halacha (way to observe Torah) is revealed by the Ruach haKodesh, and demonstrated in Mashiyach. The concept of "two torahs" one oral and one written is the basis of authority on which the Rabbinate operates.

The Rabbis of old wrote their own "oral Torah" and gave themselves the authority to interpret it; unfortunately, their oral Torah often speaks against both the Written Torah and haMashiyach (Messiah). On the other hand, Christian theologians have made up their own "New Testament" based on their own non-Torah cultural value systems which makes void Torah and diminishes the true goal of Mashiyach.

To “see the whole picture” and live according to YHWH’s Divine Instructions, we MUST begin to view the Bible as ONE, continuous entity, from Genesis to Revelation. Only THEN can we properly understand who YHWH is, who His Son/Messiah is, and how to begin living a truly holy/set apart life consistent with His Divine Standards.

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