I can’t understand why some people insist that Paul was a “false” Apostle who never upheld Torah! The following few passages totally disprove the Paul haters!
Paul always points back to YHWH; Yeshua and Torah. Think about verses like this, versus passages in which he is hard to understand as he attempts to explain difficult Hebrew concepts to those who don't know Hebrew or the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Cases in point:
Luke 8:1. And it happened after these things that Y'shua was going around in the cities and in the villages and was preaching and declaring the Kingdom of Elohim. (AENT)
Acts 28:23 From morning till evening the Apostle Paul explained and declared the Kingdom of God and tried to convince people about Yeshua from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets. (CJB)
Acts 24:14. But this indeed I (Paul) acknowledge, that in that same doctrine of which they speak, I do serve the Elohim of my fathers, believing all the things written in Torah and in the prophets. (AENT)
Romans 15:4. For everything written of old was written for our instruction; that we, by patience and by the consolation of the Scriptures, might possess hope. (AENT)
NOTE: Here is one of the clearest pro-Torah statements in all of Romans. Rav Shaul believes that "everything written of old" is for the instruction of the Gentiles, this clearly indicates Paul's intent. Compare this statement to Romans 3:31 and 7:12.
Romans 15:9. And that the Gentiles might glorify Elohim for his mercies upon them, as it is written: I will confess to you among the Gentiles, and to your name will I sing psalms. 10. And again he said: Rejoice, you Gentiles, with His people. 11. And again he said: Praise Master YHWH, all you Gentiles; (and) laud him, all you nations. (AENT)
NOTE: "His People" = YHWH's people, Israel. The Gentiles are fully invited and expected to join in together with Netzari (Nazarene) synagogue practice, as one people, into one Kingdom according to One Torah.
Peter actually warned us that Paul is hard to understand, and that people would ultimately twist Paul's teachings; but that doesn't mean Paul was a "false" apostle!
2 Peter 3:15 And think of our Lord's patience as deliverance, just as our dear brother Sha'ul also wrote you, following the wisdom God gave him. 16 Indeed, he speaks about these things in all his letters. They contain some things that are hard to understand, things which the uninstructed and unstable distort, to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. 17 But you, dear friends, since you know this in advance, guard yourselves; so that you will not be led away by the errors of the wicked and fall from your own secure position. (CJB)
If you're interested in more explanation of the much-misunderstood writings of Paul, please check out our website’s article.
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