Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Taking a snapshot look at Parashah 54, the final reading of the yearly Torah cycle

PARASHAH 54, THE FINAL TORAH READING OF THE YEAR, is a very emotional one because we see Israel about to enter the Promised Land without Moshe, their precious and courageous leader who had, through direct contact with our Creator, taught them the will, desire and commands of YHWH for 40 years.

This Torah cycle closes with the blessings that Moshe spoke over the people of Isra'el just before his death (see Deuteronomy 33:1-29). It is important to note that Moshe said all those things to his people, knowing that he himself would never see the Promised Land - the place he had been looking forward to seeing, ever since he had led the Hebrews out of Egypt.

Why didn't he get to the Promised Land? Three reasons: (1) Because he had broken the first set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments; and (2) because he had failed to "speak to the rock" as commanded by YHWH; and (3) occasional pride and arrogance (which could happen to any of us … I mean, how many of US have had the privilege of speaking to YHWH “face-to-face?”…).

Let’s take a closer look:

Numbers 20: 8 "Take the staff, assemble the community, you and Aharon your brother; and before their eyes, tell the rock to produce its water. You will bring them water out of the rock and thus enable the community and their livestock to drink." 9 Moshe took the staff from the presence of ADONAI, as he had ordered him. 10 But after Moshe and Aharon had assembled the community in front of the rock, he said to them, "Listen here, you rebels! Are we supposed to bring you water from this rock?" 11 Then Moshe raised his hand and hit the rock twice with his staff. Water flowed out in abundance, and the community and their livestock drank. (CJB)

Notice in verse 10 he said "WE"? …What's this WE business? By saying that, he was stealing the glory from YHWH! So, based on what Moses has just done and said, who do the people believe brought the water from the rock, YHWH or Moses? How can they tell for sure – after all, YHWH spoke with Moshe “face-to-face” (Exodus 33:10-11).

Furthermore, since humanity tends to be fickle sometimes, when everybody personally SAW water coming out of the rock after Moshe struck it, it may have been a little hard for them to NOT be awed by Moshe!

But, in the very next verse, YHWH puts the matter into crystal clear perspective:

Numbers 20: 12 But ADONAI said to Moshe and Aharon, "Because you did not trust in me, so as to cause me to be regarded as holy by the people of Isra'el, you will not bring this community into the land I have given them." (CJB)

Folks, this is why WE must remember to learn to obey YHWH’s Divine Instructions! I mean, if YHWH didn't allow Moshe to enter the Promised Land for those few infractions he was guilty of (in the midst of all the things he had done “right” for God), what do you think He will do with today's "religious" leaders who don't even bother to keep the commanded Seventh Day Sabbath (which is a SIGN between YHWH and His people: ) or the Biblical Feasts?

Can we really propose that those who purposely ignore His Torah will get “carte blanche” to enter the "Promised Land" of Heaven? (If you believe that, then please check out Proverbs 28:9 which tells us: “If a person will not listen to Torah, even his prayer is an abomination.” See also 1 Peter 3:12, Proverbs 15:29, James 5:16, Isaiah 59:2, James 4:3-8, James 1:6-7, John 15:7, Revelation 21:8, etc.)

The truth is, one cannot purposely sin and believe they’re going to get away with it because "Jesus loves me and forgives me because he knows my heart!" People like that clearly ignore the following passage:

Hebrews 10: 26 For if we deliberately continue to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but only the terrifying prospect of Judgment, or raging fire that will consume the enemies. (CJB)

The world, for the most part, is blind to YHWH and His Word, yet there are all kinds of pastors and self-proclaimed "prophets" and their ilk on the internet who push their own doctrines - and some are making bundles of money off their "fluff." We must be VERY careful to learn His Word by reading and thoroughly STUDYING it, and truly learning to obey to the best of our abilities.

Constant Bible study leads to growth, and growth leads to a closer relationship with YHWH ELOHIM! It is impossible to truly “know Messiah Yeshua” (“the Word made flesh” – see our explanation) without first knowing his Father – the One who sent him … the One who caused him to be born as a human (with a divine nature) inside a human woman; the One who resurrected him after he willingly shed his divine blood on our behalf!

Remember what Yeshua said:

Matthew 5: 17 Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everything that must happen has happened. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (words/commands) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P'rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (CJB)

QUESTION: Has everything happened that must happen? Have heaven and Earth passed away yet? Since when does the word "complete" (or "fulfill) mean "abolished"? Why would God abolish His own original divine teachings which He said were to last forever? Did Jesus come to make a liar out of YHWH (Yahweh), his Father?

The answer, of course, is no. What I’m trying to get through here is that YHWH is VERY SERIOUS about obedience to His Instructions designed to teach and bless us, and show us how to be holy … and, best of all, prepare us to live with Him forever!

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