Monday, June 17, 2024

A perfect example of the dangers of Scripture twisting

THIS MEME BELOW  IS A BLATANT LIE, and clearly created by someone who doesn't understand the Hebrew context of Scripture! What it does reveal is that a little knowledge intertwined with self-serving aspirations to be viewed as a "Bible scholar", and spewed forth as "truth" in a public forum can be dangerous!


 A critical eye on 1 Timothy 4:1-6 reveals that this passage in NO WAY shows that God’s Divine Instructions (which is what the Hebrew faith is based upon!) is supposedly a “doctrine of demons.”

TAKE A LOOK at that whole passage via the Hebrew instead of the Greek mindset:

1 Timothy 4: 1. But the Spirit says explicitly that, in the latter times, some will depart from the faith, and will go after deceptive spirits and after the doctrine of demons. (AENT)

First of all, there’s no mention of WHAT the “doctrine of demons” refers to (even though anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out that it refers to anything that goes AGAINST Torah).

Secondly, it’s truly ironic that so many supposed “believers” attempt to demonize those of us who wish to obey YHWH’s original Divine Instructions in Righteousness! Since when is OBEYING God's Instructions evil?

The Bible warns us that we would be attacked for our faith. (2 Timothy 4)

Paul wrote, Therefore, what are we to say? That the Torah is sinful? Heaven forbid! Rather, the function of the Torah was that without it, I would not have known what sin is. For example, I would not have become conscious of what greed is if the Torah had not said, "Though shalt not covet." (Rom.7:7).

He further added, So the Torah is holy; that is, the commandment is holy, just and good. (verse 12). He went on to say that YHWH's Law is spiritual (Rom.7:14) - and that which is spiritual is eternal. Paul also wrote, We concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal. (II Cor.4:18).

If the Laws of God were all abolished, as some believe, then Yeshua did away with what was clearly holy, righteous, good, and spiritual...

Let’s continue with 1 Timothy 4:

1 Timothy 4: 2. These will seduce by a false appearance, and will speak a lie and will be seared in their conscience; 3. and will forbid to marry,[1] and will require abstinence from meats which Elohim has created for use and for thankfulness by them who believe and know the truth 4. because whatever is created by Elohim is good; and there is nothing which should be rejected if it be received with thankfulness, 5. for it is sanctified by the Word of Elohim[2] and by prayer.

6. If you will elucidate these things on your Brothers, you will be a good minister of Y’shua the Mashiyach, being educated in the language of the faith and in the good doctrine which you have been taught. (AENT)


[1] The Roman Catholic church and other Christian organizations forbid priests to marry; by installing their own so called “infallible” deity-like “fathers” they’ve chosen to wage war against Torah and Mashiyach Y’shua. See also Matthew 23:9.

[2] Food includes meat which must be sanctified by the Word of Elohim (Torah), and there are clean and unclean meats – some are sanctified, some are not; see Leviticus 11. Saying a prayer over unclean food doesn’t sanctify the food anymore than praying that you don’t get caught stealing can “sanctify” or protect you from the consequences of that transgression. Many fail to remember that, just because the punishment is not immediate, doesn’t mean that it’s been forgotten by heaven.

SO, WHERE IN 1 TIMOTHY 4 IS MY FAITH IN YHWH/YESHUA/TORAH supposedly being addressed as a "doctrine of demons?" Whoever created this meme is a LIAR!


Acts 21: 20 On hearing it, they praised God; but they also said to him (Paul), "You see,brother, how many tens of thousands of believers there are among the Judeans, and they are all zealots for the Torah. 21 Now what they have been told about you is that you are teaching all the Jews living among the Goyim to apostatize from Moshe, telling them not to have a b'rit-milah (circumcision) for their sons and not to follow the tradition.

22 "What, then, is to be done? They will certainly hear that hear that you have come. 23 So do what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow. 24 Take them with you, be purified with them, and pay the expenses connected with having their heads shaved. Then everyone will know that there is nothing to these rumors which they have heard about you; but that, on the contrary, you yourself stay in line and keep the Torah. (CJB)

If Yeshua had abolished the "law", then why did the apostle Paul observe it with four other Church men in Yerushalayim 29 years AFTER the crucifixion of the Messiah?

What does this tell us about the true "religion" that Yeshua the Messiah proclaimed? What does it tell us about His true gospel?  Those who teach contrary to the Torah, which Yeshua upheld - and Paul also taught - are false preachers and prophets. Paul wrote of them:

2 Corinthians 11: 13 The fact is that such men are pseudo-emissaries: they tell lies about their work and masquerade as emissaries of the Messiah. 14 There is nothing surprising in that, for the Adversary himself masquerades as an angel of light; 15 so it's no great thing if his workers masquerade as servants of righteousness. They will meet the end their deeds deserve. (CJB)

So - is "the Law" still valid today? You bet it is! It is a standard for righteousness. Yeshua said that not one yod or tittle would pass away, and that those who love Him will keep His commandments. The Law is not for salvation, but for sanctification (being Holy). No one can keep the Law perfectly, but striving to live as ADONAI commands brings us closer to His desire for our lives.

We need to remember that, while God changed the Covenant, He never changed His Torah. Yeshua came to abolish the "rabbinical stuff" and the need to sacrifice innocent animals to atone for our sins; not YAHWEH's Divine Instructions in Rigthteousness. Torah observant believers adhere to both, the "Old" and the "New" covenants without pretending they are allowed to ignore the "forever" commands.

And so I leave you with this, my brothers and sisters in the Hebraic Faith:

2 Timothy 4:1. I charge you before Elohim and our Master Y’shua the Mashiyach who is to judge the living and the dead at the manifestation of his Kingdom 2. Proclaim the Word and persist (in it) with diligence, in time and out of time; admonish and rebuke with all patience and instructiveness. 3. For the time will come when they will not give ear to sound teaching; but, according to their lusts, will multiply to themselves teachers in the itching of their hearing; 4. and will turn away their ears from the truth, and incline after fables. 5. But be vigilant in all things; and endure evils and do the work of a proclaimer of the Good News, and fulfill your ministry. (AENT)


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