Thursday, February 3, 2022

Did you know: Our reactions to the various life struggles, reveal how we really feel about God?

We've all had life lessons that ultimately revealed YHWH is always with us, even when we couldn't "feel" Him - and we wondered at the time where the heck He was, because things weren't going "our way" or changing fast enough to suit us.

It usually isn't until we are able to look back on a given situation, to see with crystal clarity that He WAS there all along, and He DID teach, protect and avenge us, ALLOWING "bad things" to happen so that we could have a chance to learn from them.

The main thing believers are to learn from "bad times" is that (1) we cannot truly recognize how blessed we are unless we've endured some struggles; (2) we got closer to God BECAUSE of those struggles; and (3) we can do NOTHING without Him. (John 15:4-5; 5:19; see more listed at the end of this article.)

Most importantly, our reactions to the various life struggles reveal how we really feel about God! (Do we immediately give in to our "fight or flight" defense mechanisms, or is our first impulse to go into a prayer mode, asking HIM what to do, and to lead and guide us - being WILLING to accept the courage to travel any and all "bumpy roads" ahead that will ultimately take us to the place where we NEED to be?)

When our first reaction is to "go to God" instead of trying to handle things "our way" - THAT is when we are allowed to take another step up onto the next rung of the invisible ladder that leads us ever closer to Him on our journey through life on earth.

Those who turn from, or try to fight Him, basically stay stuck in their miserable (yet perceived "safe") ruts, never realizing there's "another way." That "other way" ("letting go" and FINALLY turning their life over to God) often feels too scary. That's why myriads never learn or grow, and they will fight their way through life, blaming everyone but themselves for their troubles.

So, the lesson we need to learn is, we're all kind of like Job - going through struggles that keep reminding us that bad things CAN happen to good people; AND that the way we react to those bad times reveals how we really feel about God!

ELOHIM constantly has our best interests at heart. He WANTS us to learn and grow (which includes trials and tribulations!) ... because this earthly life is a classroom with RULES, designed to prepare HIS PEOPLE for Eternity!

If you're among those who constantly chooses to remain imprisoned in a particular rut, get into Scripture, read it from cover to cover, and learn WHO God is, who His Messiah is, and what is expected of His people.

Never forget that you're NOT alone, because He IS with you always - even when you can't "feel" Him sometimes...

Deuteronomy 31:8 But Adonai — it is he who will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you, so don’t be afraid or downhearted.” (CJB)

Philippians 4: 12 I know what it is to be in want, and I know what it is to have more than enough — in everything and in every way I have learned the secret of being full and being hungry, of having abundance and being in need. 13 I can do all things through him who gives me power. (CJB)

Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “The Tanakh says, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of Adonai’” (CJB)

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Don’t worry about tomorrow — tomorrow will worry about itself! Today has enough tsuris already! (CJB)

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