Sunday, December 25, 2016

When was Yeshua born? Not in December!

Millions insist on celebrating the birth of our Messiah on December 25, even though most are aware that our Savior was not born in December at all; but on the first day of Sukkot, which falls in the September/October timeframe. How do we know that? Please check out this article and allow Scripture to explain….


  1. Frankly I've been rather alarmed by the many Messianic FB posts I've seen with blatant Christmas overtones and and with Scriptures pertaining to the virgin birth, the birth of the Saviour, etc. It's as though they're pandering to the Christians, for some reason.

    1. Yes, we've noticed that, too. Methinks people are just plain FICKLE.

  2. Shali, years ago I came across the website years ago. They have great information (on pagan symbols and words). Should I avoid that site?

    1. Kevin, good question, but I don't honestly know enough about that site to provide a proper response. I tried, but the person keeps his identity a secret, and to find out what they teach, I would have to read the entire site of articles. There are many spelling errors, which - as a journalist - turns me off, and also, they quote Michael Rood, of whom I'm not very fond, for several reasons. You can discern for yourself by verifying Scripture, as to whether or not what this person teaches is on or off the mark.

    2. While Shali is absolutely correct you can discern for yourself, she's also right that there are "red flags" (many!) as you read the articles. It does not take long to realize the site is not a reliable source.


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