Sunday, December 8, 2019

A time that “no man knows”

Here’s an example of another erroneous concept being blindly passed around on the Internet. The article says, in part:
“Many of us have read the famous quote of our Messiah in the gospels when he declared that his second coming would be at a time that “no man knows.” Yet, how many of us knew that he was actually making a reference to “The Feast of Trumpets” when he spoke this Hebrew Idiom?
“What is an idiom? An idiom is an expression that does not make sense in other languages other than the one being spoken.
Here is an example of an idiom in English: 'Its raining cats and dogs outside!'
“Everyone knows when this expression is being used, there are not actually cats and dogs falling out of the sky. It is an expression that means it is raining very heavily, and only those who speak English would understand this. However in any other language, it does not make sense. And such is the case with the Hebrew Idiom for the Feast of Trumpets.
“The Feast of Trumpets was known by those in ancient Jerusalem as 'The Day That No Man Knows.' And why was this feast nick-named by this Hebrew Idiom? It is because this is the only feast that is determined by the sighting of the new moon, therefore, 'no man' can calculate the exact day nor the hour of when it begins.”
Here is why this message is wrong:

First, only Christian and Messianic/Hebrew Roots writers make this claim that the Feast of Trumpets is "the day that no man knows"; therefore, it is only Christians, Hebrew Rooters and Messianics who "connect" it to Matthew 24:36-37. We have seen absolutely no Jewish writer making the claim that Yom Teruah is "the day that no man knows!"

Yom Teruah is the 1st day of the 7th month, so it is determined the same as the 1st day of all the other months of the year.

Second, it is argued that the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashannah is the only 2-day holiday - which they claim bolsters the idea that it was because it was "the day that no man knows".

That is bogus! It is a two-day holiday because it evolved in Judaism as a two-day holiday. We see this in Nehemiah 8:2 and 8:13:

Nehemiah 8:2 "Ezra the cohen brought the Torah before the assembly, which consisted of men, women and all children old enough to understand. It was the first day of the seventh month."

Nehemiah 8:13: "On the second day, the heads of fathers' clans of all the people assembled with the cohanim and L'vi'im before `Ezra the Torah-teacher to study the words of the Torah."

So, you see, they knew full-well the 1st day of the month (verse 8), but they assembled for two days (verse 13). Hence, it became a two-day holiday. There's nothing about it being "not known".


  1. The Feast was bewildered upon the sighting of the new moon. If it was overcast or was unseen for any reason they looked again the next day. Two men had to sight the new moon to testify.

  2. Dr Ramón deTorresMay 29, 2023 at 7:03 AM

    See this for a better explanation.


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