Friday, September 27, 2019

Is it wrong to have pictures of “Jesus”– or just pictures, in general? Are they idols?


I have a huge problem with the following verses:

Deut 4:15 “Therefore, watch out for yourselves! Since you did not see a shape of any kind on the day YHVH spoke to you in Horev from the fire, 16 do not become corrupt and make yourselves a carved image having the shape of any figure — not a representation of a human being, male or female, 17 or a representation of any animal on earth, or a representation of any bird that flies in the air, 18 or a representation of anything that creeps along on the ground, or a representation of any fish in the water below the shoreline. 19 For the same reason, do not look up at the sky, at the sun, moon, stars and everything in the sky, and be drawn away to worship and serve them; YHVH your God has allotted these to all the peoples under the entire sky.

(CJB version except "Adonai" has been changed to "YHVH" being far more correct - as even Stern now acknowledges ).

I have a girlfriend who died of cancer who I have a picture of her which I look at occasionally. I also have photos of my mother, father and sister. In addition I have photos of other created things including animals and even trains. I do not “worship” them but I do appreciate them and when I look at them I am reminded of them.

I can totally understand, therefore, Christians (not including me, at this time) wanting a picture in their home of some representation of Yeshua (or “Jesus”) to help them remember someone they are meant to love. They love Jesus - not the picture. They wouldn’t worship that.

I have read your article  about this, but do still struggle. I realise I am not to worship created beings but what is really wrong with having pictures of them (which, I do realise, in today’s context, is really extremely similar to the old practice of carving an image. These days it is a lot easier to simply take a photo than carving a piece of wood.

Could you please clarify in due course?


This is a great question, but perhaps you are overthinking it. A photo of one's loved one is just that - a photo - not an idol. I agree with that of course.

But the commandment in Deuteronomy is pretty clear:

Deuteronomy 4:15-16 "Since you *did not see a shape of any kind* ... do not ... *make yourselves a(n) ... image having the shape of ANY figure* - *not a representation of a human being, male or female*, ..." (emphasis added).

Unfortunately, exactly what YHWH said would happen, happened. Christians have, indeed, become "corrupt" for they have made images of their "god", "Jesus". They pray to this god, and they worship him. I suppose some can look upon a drawing or painting of Jesus and not "worship", yet for the majority, that is actually what they are doing.

They are looking upon an image of the entity they worship, and YHWH undeniably said not to do that! Catholicism is even worse. They make statues of Mary, and worship her and they pray to Mary!

But YHWH said we are not to do these things because we are to be His inheritance and not be drawn away to something else, something that did not bring us out of the smelting furnace, out of Egypt (verse 4:20).

You see, it is not the "thing" (piece of wood, photo, painting, etc.) that is being worshiped. It is the god or idol the image represents that is being worshiped.

We love the "Southwest" style of home decorating, and when we first got married, we had a cute, 3-D metal silhouette of a "Kokopelli". It looked nice on the wall with the other “southwest” decorations. But soon we found out that it represents an Native America Indian god - a fertility deity.

So, we immediately got rid of it! I suppose you can argue that we did not worship Kokopelli, so what did it matter that we had it in our home? Well, it mattered a lot to us! Our home is anointed for YHWH, and there will be no other "god" within it, period!

Hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What constitutes “foul language”?

Someone on a Facebook post recently asked “what sets the standard for 'foul' language?"


YHWH sets the standards!  Torah constantly warns us to "be holy for I am holy" - Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2; 20:7, 26, etc.)....

1 Peter 1:16 ….because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."

Ephesians 4:29 tells us, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." First Peter 3:10 declares, "For, whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech."

James 3 brings home the fact that “our tongue can at once be a friend and enemy.”

James 3: 6. Now the tongue is a fire, and the world of sin is like a forest. And this tongue, which is one among our members, corrupts our whole body; and it inflames the series of our generations that roll on like a wheel; and it is itself on fire. 7. For all natures of beasts and birds and reptiles of the sea or land are dominated by the nature of man.

8. But the tongue has no one been able to tame: it is an evil thing, unruly and full of deadly poison. 9. For with it, we bless Master YHWH and Father; and with it we curse men who were made in the image of Elohim: 10. and from the same mouth issues forth curses and blessings. My Brothers, these things should not be.

11. Can there flow from the same fountain, sweet and bitter waters? 12. Or can the fig-tree, my Brothers, bear olives? or the vine, figs? So also salt waters cannot be made sweet. 13. Who is wise and instructed among you? Let him show his works in praiseworthy actions, with modest wisdom. (AENT)

Y’shua explained that what comes out of our mouths is that which fills our hearts. Our speech will always indicate what is in our hearts. “From a good man the treasures that are in his good heart brings forth good things, and an evil man the evil treasures that are in his heart brings forth evil things. For the abundance of the heart speak the lips.” (Luke 6:45).

Why is it a sin to cuss /swear /curse? Sin is a condition of the heart, the mind, and “the inner man” (Romans 7:22), which is manifested in our thoughts, actions and words. When we use “bad language”, we are giving evidence of the polluting sin in our hearts that must be confessed and repented of. Thankfully, our ELOHIM is merciful and “faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)

The thing is, we cannot have the Holy Spirit within and continue to “live in the world” because to do so would be considered deliberate sinning” – for which there is no sacrifice!

Hebrews 10: 26 For if we deliberately continue to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but only the terrifying prospect of Judgment, or raging fire that will consume the enemies.

The key is to use some common sense and ask ourselves if we would use a certain word in Yeshua's presence. His Father constantly said, "be holy because I AM holy!" Holiness doesn't use the "F" "P" or or "S" words, for starters. Whenever I see those being used by supposed Believers, it makes me cringe and want to simply unfriend them so that my eyes won't be forced to see their garbage mouths again. So, if I feel that way, imagine or YHWH or Yeshua would feel.

The thing is, the Bible cannot possibly "define" foul language since words come and go. Some words become obsolete, and fade from the human vocabulary (in any language) with the passing of time, and new "words" become the norm.

Scripture speaks of “filthy” talking (Ephesians 5:4). The term “filthy” means “behavior that flouts social and moral standards, shamefulness, obscenity” while “shameful speech” denotes “speech of a kind that is generally considered in poor taste, obscene speech, dirty talk.”

We know today, and we can't deny it, which words denote/express "filth". When one cannot express themselves without the common gutter words "f___", "s___", "p___", "g__ d___", "c___" we are using "foul" language, and they only demonstrate what seems to be their low intellect.

Even referring to a police officer as a "pig" is using unacceptable language. YHWH repeats often "be holy for I am holy",(in many verses), and it seems clear that the "world" acceptance of poor, gutter, carnal language does not render one holy.

We must remember that no one unclean can appear before YHWH!  Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:15 make it clear that we *own* what comes out of our mouths, and it is that which makes us unclean. Matthew 15:18 makes the stinging addition: "But what comes out of your mouth is actually coming from your heart, and that is what makes a person unclean."  Would we really want Yeshua telling us that he knows our heart by the language we used during our life on earth?

Few today realize that their language expresses the darkness of their heart….

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reader wants to know if we’ve ever encountered the “Black Israelites” or “Black Jesus” teachings


I was wondering, have you encountered anyone pushing black Jesus or black Israel? I’ve been in some heated discussions with some of these people. They refer to whites as Edomites and claim that the blacks are the chosen! I’ve tried on these occasions to promote peace but many of these people are downright hostile! I’ve asked for biblical or even archeological evidence to support their position and they get angry and say that whites are liars and that scripture was mistranslated. It’s completely bizarre. I’ve asked why they think color matters with YHVH and they insist that it does! I usually end it by saying I’m grafted in, Shalom!


Your response is perfect!  And yes, I've encountered those types and do my best to steer clear of them. They are as vicious as those twits who believe the earth is flat and NOTHING you can say to them (and no amount of scripture you can provide) matters. They are adamant that THEY and only they are the chosen. All you can do is leave them alone.

Having said that, the thing is, while one may think it's good to know on a personal level "who" we are and where we come from, having such discussions starts taking us down the path of division, not unity. I get so tired of seeing people trying to place themselves above others when it comes to their heritage – especially when it comes to matters of Scripture. After all, aren’t we ONE in Messiah? (Galatians 3:27-29)

This idea that “all true Jews or the original Israelites were all black” is ridiculous – and in the grand scheme of things, irrelevant. And yes, this HAS caused division. (As if we don’t already have enough division in those who have found their way to Torah....)

Consider this: In Numbers 12:1-2 we are told Moshe married a Cushite – Cush could also mean Ethiopia. The people of Ethiopia are black, which seems to indicate that not “all Jews or Hebrews are black” – and that Moshe was NOT black - which seems to knock a hole in that argument. (And again, does it really matter? It seems it does to some people who are pushing the argument that the original Israelites were black.)

Numbers 12: 1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman); 2 and they said, "Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well?" And the LORD heard it.…

The bottom line is: Scripture tells us we are "one in Messiah" where there is no Jew or Gentile, male or female, slave or free! (See Ephesians 2:11-13, Galatians 3:27-29, Romans 12:5, John 17:21.) End of argument.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Where did Moses write of Yeshua?


When Yeshua says that Moses wrote of Him. Is there a direct reference to a specific passage like Deuteronomy 18:15 or another passage. Or is it more of a general statement of Moses writing the Torah and Yeshua being the Torah?


Good question!  In John 5:46 it is recorded that Yeshua said "For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote." Yeshua was referring to Deuteronomy 18:15. But we have to understand what Yeshua was teaching to the people who were listening, but primarily to the agitated Jews who were made aware of his words (John 5:16). It was to the Jewish agitators he spoke "You keep examining the Tanakh because you think that in it you have eternal life. Those very Scriptures bear witness to me, but you won't come to me in order to have life!” (John 5:39-40).

You see, that Yeshua was telling all that the Jews could not see what his purpose was on the earth - to provide the promised eternal life. So he charged the Jewish agitators with their error, that they also did not believe what Moshe wrote (5:47).

So, while Yeshua is never mentioned by name anywhere in the Tanakh, he is definitely alluded to in many places, including the following:

Deut 18:15 “Adonai will raise up for you a prophet like me from among yourselves, from your own kinsmen. You are to pay attention to him, 16 just as when you were assembled at Horev and requested Adonai your God, ‘Don’t let me hear the voice of Adonai my God any more, or let me see this great fire ever again; if I do, I will die!’ 17 On that occasion Adonai said to me, ‘They are right in what they are saying. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I order him. 19 Whoever doesn’t listen to my words, which he will speak in my name, will have to account for himself to me. (CJB)

Yeshua Himself said He came to do HIS FATHER's will; not his own!

Luke 4: 43 "But he (Yeshua/Jesus) said, "I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." (AENT)

Luke 8: 1. And it happened after these things that Y'shua was going around in the cities and in the villages and was preaching and declaring the Kingdom of Elohim. (AENT)

John 6: 35. Y'shua said to them, I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me will not hunger. And whoever believes in me will not ever thirst. 36. But I have said to you that you have seen me, and you do not believe. 37. All who my Father has given to me will come, and whoever comes not to me I will cast outside!

38. For I came down from heaven,[1] not to do my will, but to do the will of Him who sent me. 39. And this is His will, that of Him who sent me, that all that He has given to me I do not lose even one. 40. For this is the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him, will have life that is eternal. And I will raise him up on the last day. (AENT)

[1] As in the context of Miltha (the Word) or the "Manifestation" or the "Will of" YHWH coming down from heaven to do the Will of YHWH upon earth; his Spirit is of YHWH but his nephesh (soul) and body are human and temporal. This shows that Yeshua was NOT in charge; HIS FATHER WAS!

Yeshua came to proclaim the Kingdom of YHWH and to do everything his Father commanded. He tore down the fences of man's legalism. Neither he nor his Apostles ever advocated against Torah!

John 12: 44. But Y'shua cried out and said, He who believes in me, it is not in me he does believe, but in Him who sent me. [1] 45. And he who sees me sees Him who sent me! 46. I have come as the light into this world that all who believe in me might not remain in the darkness! 47. And he who hears my words, yet does not keep them, I do not judge him, for I have not come to judge the world but to give life[2] to the world.

48. He who rejects me and does not receive my words, there is something that judges him. The word that I have spoken, it will judge him on the last day. 49. For I have not spoken from my soul, but the Father who sent me. He gave a Commandment to me what I should say and what I should speak. 50. And I know that His commands are eternal life. [3] Therefore, these things that I speak just as my Father told me, thus I speak.[4] (AENT)

[1] Y'shua does not bring a new Faith, but reveals the original Faith of YHWH the Father.

[2] Y'shua proclaims that he came to give life, then he declares that his father's Commands are eternal life! The Father's "Commands" are instruction in righteousness; this is Torah which contains Commandments, Judgments, Testimony and Witness regarding the Kingdom of Elohim. Those who enter into Covenant with Mashiyach are entering into Covenant with his Father YHWH; therefore, it is evil - an outright lie - to teach that Torah is done away with and replaced by a new theology!

[3] The Commands of YHWH bring eternal life. YHWH's "Commands" refers to all of His Commandments; these are one and the same as every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth of Elohim. These are not Commands only between Y'shua and his Father but they are universal for all souls who will enter into the Malchut Elohim.

[4] Y'shua speaks the Word of YHWH, not his own words; therefore, he conveys the revelation of YHWH according to the Ruach haKodesh without the baggage of man's religious tradition. Religion has a propensity to reinvent or interpret the Word of YHWH to make it "acceptable" to man's standards; whereas Mashiyach came not to please men, but to honor and bring Glory to his Father.

Also, take a look at 2 Samuel 7:16 which says that his kingdom is going to be forever. Whose Kingdom but YHWH Himself? (Yeshua, the Divine Messiah, the Word - John 1:1, 14 - and the "Arm" - Isaiah 53:1 along with ALL of IS 53 - is all about Yeshua!!! No one else has or ever will fill those approximately 300 Messianic prophecies!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

“Your sacrificed Jesus died for nothing”….


God doesn't demand blood to atone for our sins anymore, and He especially never required human sacrifice!  Furthermore, mere men can’t atone for the sins of others, anyway. Prayer and repentance are all that's required. Therefore, your sacrificed Jesus died for nothing.  See Hosea 6:6; Jeremiah 7:22; and 1 Samuel 15:22.


REALLY?   Well, that’s NOT what Scripture says!

Leviticus 17: 11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for our souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement."

If your assumptions are correct, then we would ask you to answer this:  If prayer and repentance was all that's needed, then why didn't YHWH simply have Adam & Eve pray and repent?

Truth is, blood sacrifices began to be required fairly quickly after the incident that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden - which is why Yeshua ultimately martyred himself! … against which there is now law.  (Leviticus 4:35, 5:10, 16:15 and 17:11; 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 3:19, etc.)

Furthermore, Y'shua wasn't sacrificed. He offered/martyred himself, against which there is NO law!  How many mere men do you know whose death caused an earthquake and the sun the quit shining, darkness, with graves opening, after their resurrection? Even the demons knew who he was, as did the Roman soldier….

So, Mr. Jesus-rejecter, since you refuse to believe that a “mere man” cannot atone for the sins of others, then please explain these scriptures:

Exodus 28: 36 "You are to make an ornament of pure gold and engrave on it as on a seal, 'Set apart for ADONAI.' 37 Fasten it to the turban with a blue cord, on the front of the turban, 38 over Aharon's forehead. Because Aharon bears the guilt for any errors committed by the people of Isra'el in consecrating their holy gifts, this ornament is always to be on his forehead, so that the gifts for ADONAI will be accepted by him.

Leviticus 6: 25 "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, 'This is the law of the sin offering: in the place where the burnt offering is slain the sin offering shall be slain before the LORD; it is most holy. 26'The priest who offers it for sin shall eat it. It shall be eaten in a holy place, in the court of the tent of meeting. 27'Anyone who touches its flesh will become consecrated; and when any of its blood splashes on a garment, in a holy place you shall wash what was splashed on.…

Leviticus 10: 16 Then Moshe carefully investigated what had happened to the goat of the sin offering and discovered that it had been burned up. He became angry with El'azar and Itamar, the remaining sons of Aharon, and asked, 17 "Why didn't you eat the sin offering in the area of the sanctuary, since it is especially holy? He gave it to you to take away the guilt of the community, to make atonement for them before ADONAI.

BOTTOM LINE:  "Eternal life" always required that substitution or redemption of one nephesh for yours. The possibility of that substitution of an animal at the Temple is gone. You can't get that anymore. It has been replaced by your acceptance that the Messiah died for you and was redeemed for you, so you can be saved. Period!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ever wonder about that “camel through the eye of a needle” thing?

Ever wonder about that “camel through the eye of a needle” thing? Well, you’ll be surprised. Read on!

Matthew 19:21. Y’shua said to him, If you desire to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give them to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me. 22. And that young man heard this word and went away sad, for he had many possessions. 23. Y’shua then said to his disciples, Truly I say to you that it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

24. And again I say to you that it is easier for a rope* to enter into the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Elohim. 25. And when the disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed and were saying, “Who indeed is able to gain life?” 26. Y’shua looked at them and said to them, With men this is not possible, but with Elohim everything is possible. (AENT)

Lluke 18:22. But when Y’shua heard these things, he said to him, One thing is lacking in you. Go sell everything that you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come after me. 23. But when he heard these things he was sad, for he was very wealthy. 24. And when Y’shua saw that he felt sad, he said, How difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter into the Kingdom of Elohim! 25. Because it is easier for a rope* that it enter through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter into the Kingdom of Elohim. (AENT)

Okay, so let’s talk about that “rope for a moment.” (Christian versions of Scripture mistranslated the word “rope” into “camel” – which is wrong and makes absolutely NO sense, whatsoever!)

Anyway… the short response to explain the “rope” parable is simply to show that when YHWH blesses someone with wealth, He still expect His people to “love HIM” more than their wealth, and to be willing to give it all up if He asked them to.

The footnote in the Aramaic English New Testament tells us the Aramaic word, Gamala, refers to a “heavy rope” rather than a “camel” which is also spelled gimel-meem-lamed-alap. Greek scholars puzzled over a camel passing through the eye of a needle, which is a physical impossibility.

However, Y'shua is clearly not saying a rich man can't enter, or he would not "love" this one! The “heavy rope” lesson refers to the teaching about a rich man entering into heaven, after he "unravels" his fortune strand by strand as Y'shua instructs.

If his wealth was bound tightly and strong like a rope, it is to be unwound like threads which will pass through the eye of the needle! Careful attention is required to thread a needle; and the rich – like that rope – are obligated unto YHWH to be good stewards of their wealth and to how their wealth is acquired and dispersed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Do YOU know for sure that your name is written in the Book of Life? It’s NOT if you’re “lukewarm” toward YHWH….

I passed several people during my two-mile walk this morning (which is my favorite "alone time" with Abba) and, as usual, most didn't return my "Hi!" or "Hello!" or even bother to look up and return my smile. And so, I started thinking that this seems to be how most people treat ELOHIM. He's forever trying to get our attention, yet most won't take the time to stop whatever they're doing to even notice He's there.

Oh sure, some might look up long enough to maybe wave from a distance; but it's a foreign concept for them to actually take the time to blow the dust off their Bibles (if they even own one), and sit down to read their way through it.  Yet, they will run to their synagogues on Saturday, or to church on Sunday to “do their duty” to God, and then go home to once again ignore Him for another week.

There are very few who actually “live” their faith and communicate with our Heavenly Father on a regular basis.  Very few.  It seems most don’t even realize that He strives to have both weekly (Shabbat) and yearly “dates” (Mo’edim/Appointed Times) with us! They’ve been busy slumbering, MAYBE reading their way through the Bible once in their life, if that much, or just picking their way through and relying on others to tell them what it says. I guess that’s why Scripture warns us that “most” will NOT be taking that narrow gate that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14).

Below are some other pertinent scriptures that should serve as “wake-up calls” to those who are “lukewarm” and under the erroneous impression that “God is love and all we have to do is believe in Jesus so we can be forever forgiven.”

Matthew 7:18. A good tree is not able to bear evil fruit, and an evil tree cannot bear good fruit.  19. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut and thrown in the fire. (AENT)

(Please ask yourself, “Am I a fruit-bearing tree, or am I just a pretender?”)

Matthew 7:20. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.  21. It will not be that just anyone who says to me “My master, my master.” Will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  22. Many will say to me in that day, “My master, my master. By your name, have we not prophesied? And by you name have we cast out demons?  And by your name have we done many miracles?”  23. And then I will profess to them that from everlasting, I have not known you.  Depart from me, you workers of iniquity![1]  (AENT)

NOTE:  Psalm 6:8, 9   “workers of iniquity” is a common phrase in the Tanakh that refers to lawlessness (without Torah). “Horror has taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake Your Torah.” (Psalm 119:53)  Yeshua’s every single teaching is based on Torah!  To be anti-Torah is to be anti-Messiah; therefore every “authority” will be judged according to whether they uphold Torah or not. According to Yeshua, Torah (which means “instruction in righteousness”) is “the will of My Father.” (Matthew 7:21;12:50) 

Luke 13:22 Yeshua continued traveling through town after town and village after village, teaching and making his way toward Yerushalayim. 23  Someone asked him, “Are only a few people being saved?” 24 He answered, “Struggle to get in through the narrow door, because — I’m telling you! — many will be demanding to get in and won’t be able to, 25 once the owner of the house has gotten up and shut the door. You will stand outside, knocking at the door and saying, ‘Lord! Open up for us!’ But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from!’  (CJB)

WOW!  “Many will be demanding to get in and won’t be able to”….  Why do you think that is?  The answer is: Because there will be NO “lukewarm” in Eternity with Him!

Luke 13:27. And he will say to you that, “I do not know you from where you are.  Depart from me workers of iniquity!”  28. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Awraham and Yitz’chak and Ya’akov and all the prophets in the Kingdom of Elohim, but you will be cast outside!   (AENT)

The good news is – those who were obedient servants, not just “hearing” but also “doing” His will, won’t have to worry about where they’re going to spend Eternity….

John 10:9. I am the Gate and if a man should enter by me he will live and will enter and go out and he will find pasture. (AENT)

Before you go, please take a good, hard look at the following passage:

Revelation 20: 11 Next I saw a great white throne and the One sitting on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, both great and small, standing in front of the throne. Books were opened; and another book was opened, the Book of Life; and the dead were judged from what was written in the books, according to what they had done.

13 The sea gave up the dead in it; and Death and Sh’ol gave up the dead in them; and they were judged, each according to what he had done. 14 Then Death and Sh’ol were hurled into the lake of fire. This is the second death — the lake of fire. 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was hurled into the lake of fire. (CJB)

Do YOU know for sure that your name is written in the Book of Life?  It’s NOT if you’re busy ignoring, or simply being “lukewarm” toward YHWH….

Oh, how I wish the people YHWH puts in my life would all learn to “get serious” about God, and to begin to understand their NEED to get INTO the Bible, to study it for themselves, from front to back, so they can finally KNOW His Truth … and the fact that He is NOT kidding around about who will get to spend Eternity with Him.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Would you like to learn how to challenge a false teacher who also happens to be raving Christian anti-Semite?

If you’ve never heard of the rabidly anti-Semitic ministry called Shepherd’s Chapel, then you’re about to learn a valuable lesson in TESTING everything you see, read or hear.  Allow me to provide a little background before presenting the challenge we at The Refiner’s Fire posed to one of their teachings about “The synagogue of Satan”…

Shepherd’s Chapel is a “Christian church and broadcast facility based in Gravette, Arkansas.” The church's founder was Arnold Benjamin Murray (April 20, 1929–February 12, 2014), who served as senior pastor until his death, when his son, David, took over to continue this world-wide ministry.

Shepherd’s Chapel founder, Arnold Benjamin Murray, makes claim that Cain was actually the son of Eve and Satan—the serpent seed doctrine. He ignored Genesis 4:1 which says, “Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, ‘With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man’” (Genesis 4:1). Adam was Cain’s father, and there is no reason to believe otherwise. Murray also connected the parable of the good and bad seed in Matthew 13 with God’s curse of the serpent in Genesis 3 despite nothing in the context to connect the two passages.

Murray taught that there will be no rapture, despite passages such as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 1 Corinthians 15:51–52. As is all-too-common with Arnold Murray, he claimed that 95 percent of churches who teach the rapture will accept the Antichrist as their savior (from a November 1985 newsletter). In this way, Murray effectively denied the salvation of anyone who believes in the rapture. It is unsettling to hear a Bible teacher making such claims about those he disagrees with concerning a non-essential point of eschatology.

Murray also subscribed to the Christian Identity Movement, which teaches the British are the real descendants of the ancient Israelites. This movement has been the foundation, fuel, and ammunition for a great deal of racial bigotry. Murray denounced interracial marriages, an unbiblical position that itself wavers on the edge of racism.

Now – let’s examine just a FEW of the ways Murray’sSynagogue of Satanarticle is in error(Please read the article to get the full picture and to see if YOU can spot any blatant problems.)

To start with, the author completely discredits himself by arguing that Cain was the son of the Devil with the implication that Cain's descendants survived the flood. Both of those claims are the OPPOSITE of what scripture tells us. Noah (who was NOT related to Cain) and his family started the human race all over again after the flood. Cain and his descendants were DEAD, and there is NO scriptural evidence that the murderous, polygynist, Cain survived the flood!  YHWH was trying to start all over again, with OBEDIENT folks; not with criminals….

Prior to that, the author argues that in John 8:37 (“I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you”), that the word "know" here means "to appear, perceive" with the intent to argue that Jesus "perceived" the Jews he was addressing were actually not Abraham's seed.

But, he quotes Strong's 1492, mistakenly saying that "know" came from Strong's 3708, only choosing a lesser used meaning "to appear, perceive", rather than the more common "to discern clearly", which is the same meaning of 1492 "see or aware", that is, Jesus only said "I see you are Abraham's seed" or "I am aware you are Abraham's seed"! But this guy made a poor attempt to argue that Jesus instead recognized that they were not Abraham's seed.

This misguided author makes MANY such twists in his long and rambling article. For example:

He also says "As documented, the word Kenite means children of Cain". As proof, he cites Strong's H7017, which says a Kenite is a member of the tribe of Kajin. So he looks up "Kajin", Strong's H7014 and concludes that "Kajin" is the name of the first child, "Cain".

The problem is, Strongs H7014 says "Kajin" can mean the name of the first child OR a place in Palestine, OR the name of an Oriental tribe. In other words, the meaning of "Kajin" depends on the context. It doesn't just simply mean "Cain" just because you see the word!

Moreover, Scripture tells us that when Yeshua returns he will separate the goats and the sheep (pro Israel or against). But look at what Murray’s says:

“A single nation has fulfilled this, but that nation is not Israel, they could never fulfill this promise by God. The nation named Israel is extremely small including its population and it does not possess the gate of its enemy, nor does it bless the nations of the earth.

“However, the Christian nations are a blessing to the world by sharing the Word of God and their charitable acts. In addition, The United States of America does possess the gate of its enemy. It would be this nation that ultimately fulfilled this promise. The truth is, the Christian nations are the true decedents of the twelve tribes”….

That statement is just plain IGNORANT!

First of all, America is mentioned NOWHERE in Scripture!  It is all about ISRAEL!  YES, the Christian nations HAVE been a blessing to the world as Christian missionaries have basically traveled all over the world to present Jesus and his Word. But they've also been a curse on some levels, for they have been guilty of forcefully converting and even killing many innocents in order to accomplish their agenda.

For instance, Jews were forced to convert to Christianity by the Crusaders in Lorraine, on the Lower Rhine, in Bavaria and Bohemia, in Mainz and in Worms, Germany. Pope Innocent III pronounced in 1201 that if one agreed to be baptized to avoid torture and intimidation, one nevertheless could be compelled to outwardly observe Christianity: And let's not forget that at least six million Jews died in Hitler's Holocaust in the Catholic and Protestant Europe....

It is totally bogus to suggest that "the Christian nations are ‘the true decedents’ of the twelve tribes," What planet is Mr. Murray on and where in Scripture can one verify that nonsense?

One would have to KNOW the Torah to find out WHO were the forefathers of those 12 tribes standing at the foot of Mount Sinai to hear the giving of the Ten Commandments? (Yes, there were some "foreigners" mixed in (those who had followed Moshe out of Egypt when he liberated YHWH's people); but they were by NO MEANS the majority! They were simply hangers-on who were accepted by and absorbed into the tribes.)

To WHOM did YHWH give the command to safeguard and preserve His Torah just before they were scattered into the nations? The Tribe of JUDAH! (Genesis 49:10, Micah 4:2) The tribe that Yeshua was born into! Yes, Yeshua, the JEWISH Messiah that Murray seems to be attempting to rob of his tribal heritage in his attempt to build of “Christians”....

….Christians – those very people who have not only changed the name or our Messiah, but also changed the dates of his birth, death and resurrection and called his Torah a CURSE! While they claim that we are all "ONE in Christ," they've totally ignored the commanded Seventh Day Sabbath (which is a SIGN between YHWH and His people) along with His Feasts/Appointed Times, and instead, come up with their own, man-made "holy days" - both of which are steeped in paganism...And they're doing all that while chowing down on pork and shellfish, which God specifically said are NOT food….

Whoever was the author of this article at Shepherd’s Chapel, is at best a poor scholar, and at worst a false teacher.

God keeps His promises!

Something important to ponder:

We got goosebumps when we read the Torah portion this past Shabbat! YHWH’s love knows no bounds – and all He ever asks is our obedience and faithfulness. BUT ... there's more....

Deuteronomy 32:3 “For I will proclaim the name of ADONAI. Come, declare the greatness of our God! 4 The Rock! His work is perfect, for all his ways are just. A trustworthy God who does no wrong, he is righteous and straight.

5 “He is not corrupt; the defect is in his children, a crooked and perverted generation. 6 You foolish people, so lacking in wisdom, is this how you repay ADONAI? He is your father, who made you his! It was he who formed and prepared you! (CJB)

Now, here we see that YHWH cared and still cares about “the nations” as well, because He gave them each its heritage!

Deuteronomy 32:7 “Remember how the old days were; think of the years through all the ages. Ask your father — he will tell you; your leaders too — they will inform you. 8 “When ‘Elyon gave each nation its heritage, when he divided the human race, he assigned the boundaries of peoples according to Isra’el’s population; 9 but ADONAI’s share was his own people, Ya‘akov his allotted heritage.

10 “He found his people in desert country, in a howling, wasted wilderness. He protected him and cared for him, guarded him like the pupil of his eye, 11 like an eagle that stirs up her nest, hovers over her young, spreads out her wings, takes them and carries them as she flies.

12 “ADONAI alone led his people; no alien god was with him. 13 He made them ride on the heights of the earth. They ate the produce of the fields. He had them suck honey from the rocks and olive oil from the crags, 14 curds from the cows and milk from the sheep, with lamb fat, rams from Bashan and goats, with the finest wheat flour; and you drank sparkling wine from the blood of grapes. (CJB)

Now, take a look at the following and ask yourself how many times He has “aroused His peoples’ jealousy” by provoking them with “vile nations”. Matter of fact, it’s happening TODAY as well….

Deuteronomy 32: 19 “ADONAI saw and was filled with scorn at his sons’ and daughters’ provocation. 20 He said, ‘I will hide my face from them and see what will become of them; for they are a perverse generation, untrustworthy children. 21 They aroused my jealousy with a non-god and provoked me with their vanities; I will arouse their jealousy with a non-people and provoke them with a vile nation.

22 “‘For my anger has been fired up. It burns to the depths of Sh’ol, devouring the earth and its crops, kindling the very roots of the hills. 23 I will heap disasters on them and use up all my arrows against them. 24 “‘Fatigued by hunger, they will be consumed by fever and bitter defeat; I will send them the fangs of wild beasts, and the poison of reptiles crawling in the dust. 25 Outside, the sword makes parents childless; inside, there is panic, as young men and girls alike are slain, sucklings and graybeards together.

26 “‘I considered putting an end to them, erasing their memory from the human race; 27 but I feared the insolence of their enemy, feared that their foes would mistakenly think, “We ourselves accomplished this; ADONAI had nothing to do with it.” 28 “‘They are a nation without common sense, utterly lacking in discernment. 29 If they were wise they could figure it out and understand their destiny…. (CJB)

Take a really good look at this passage, beginning with verse 22. The world HAS been seeing plenty of disasters (and God only knows how much they've been multiplying over the years!), including hunger, diseases, defeat, wild animal attacks, etc. We are literally WITNESSING these events.

Time to get ourselves "right with God" is NOW!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A valuable lesson that resonates into our own, modern lives:

1 Timothy 1:4 Have them stop devoting their attention to myths and never-ending genealogies; these divert people to speculating instead of doing God's work, which requires trust. 5 The purpose of this order is to promote love from a clean heart, from a good conscience and from sincere trust. 6 Some, by aiming amiss, have wandered off into fruitless discussion.

1:7 They want to be teachers of Torah, but they understand neither their own words nor the matters about which they make such emphatic pronouncements. 8 We know that the Torah is good, provided one uses it in the way the Torah itself intends.

9 We are aware that Torah is not for a person who is righteous, but for those who are heedless of Torah and rebellious, ungodly and sinful, wicked and worldly, for people who kill their fathers and mothers, for murderers, 10 the sexually immoral — both heterosexual and homosexual — slave dealers, liars, perjurers, and anyone who acts contrary to the sound teaching 11 that accords with the Good News of the glorious and blessed God... (ESV)


Messiah Yeshua was and is the goal of Torah, not its termination, as so many seem to believe! Love is also the goal of the commandment, not the termination. This is validated throughout Paul's writings in key places like Romans 3:31; 7:12; 10:4.

Responding to the “million dollar question” - Is Jesus God?

Before I cite the reasons why I don’t believe “Jesus is God in the Flesh,” I want to make sure you know that I totally believe Yeshua (his given name which means “Yahweh is Salvation”, while the name “Jesus” actually detracts from who he was), certainly was DEITY, perfect and sin-free - simply because of WHO he was, as he had no earthly father and came from YHWH Himself. (How many of us can make that claim?)

However, having been born of a woman denotes that he ALSO had HUMAN DNA, which meant a limited time on this world. Had he not been killed, he would have eventually DIED. That being the case, YHWH (the Name of ELOHIM as revealed to Moshe - Ex 3:13-15), our Creator, was NOT “eternal” as Scripture says; rather, He was just a mere man…

God created flesh which carried His blood, and that blood (required for redemption) could then be shed for all who simply accepted it. THAT is who Yeshua was – YHWH’s Divine MESSIAH – the human Messiah who was the Word (John 1:1, 14) and YHWH’s Arm (Isaiah 53:1) BEFORE he ever came to earth as a MAN)….

I also cannot get past the fact that so many people apparently see no problem that our HOLY God who HATES sin and who will NOT tolerate sin (Hab 1:13, Is 13:11 and 59:2, PS 5:4, etc.) would "empty Himself" into a human being (who surely would have been without sin, because we are born with a sinful nature and all sin at some point - not to mention that our deeds are like filthy menstrual rags (Is 64:6) ....

I have a hard time believing that GOD would decide to become a mere human (while at the same time, remaining somewhere in the Heavens to continue ruling the universe); then enter the world as a screaming baby who had to have his diapers changed by mere, sinful human beings … a God who – according to everyone who insists “Jesus is God in the Flesh - also prayed to “Himself” during his earthly ministry (Luke 23:34, Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34) and wouldn’t make a move unless His Father approved it.

I am well aware that many argue that Philippians 2:5-8 says God became flesh. One actually finds that these verses do NOT say that.  In most English versions, Philippians 2:6 reads: "though he was in the form of God" - obviously carrying the implication that Yeshua WAS God - but the older Aramaic reads "as he was in the likeness of Elohim..." - an entirely different meaning.

Indeed, Philippians 2 goes on to clarify that it was not that Yeshua was God; rather, that God "disinherited himself" so that a man could die and shed His blood.

We must recognize that as Part of ADONAI Himself (the Word, John 1:1, 14 and the Arm, Isaiah 53:1) we can certainly say Yeshua is ADONAI - but NOT while he was in human form with human frailties... (See Isaiah 53.)

But, YES, he was definitely “divine”:

More than his literal birth name Y'shua (which was and is a common Hebrew name), and more than the perfect reputation that his name represents, Y'shua bears the Name of YHWH, the "name above all names!" Y'shua has the Name and reputation of the Father YHWH in him (John 17:11) and the name means "YHWH is Salvation" (Matthew 1:21). (The angels, for instance, only have YHWH's title of ELOHIM within their names: GabriEL, MichaEL, RaphaEL....)

Monday, September 2, 2019

Readings for Shabbat of September 7, 2019

If you're "chomping at the bit" to start reading this week's Torah portion, you can find a synopsis on our website of: Parashah 53 (HaAzinu:Torah, Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52 ).

One of the things we absolutely MUST understand as we begin to read the two final Torah portions of the year, is that Moshe ordered the Torah he had written to be placed next to the ark (Deuteronomy 31:24-29) - which means it "crossed the Jordan" and went into the Promised Land with YHWH's people. We know this because of the following verses, and also because the Torah is IN our Bibles today!

We also need to understand that many people insist that Torah was "only for the Jews" - but this is not true, because, as we can see throughout the Torah, it was meant for all the 12 tribes AND the gentiles who had followed Moshe out of Egypt. (see Exodus 12:49 and Numbers 15:13-16.)

Remember that Cain and Abel provided sacrifices - and they weren't Jews! Neither was Noah, but he knew the difference between "clean and unclean" animals, birds and fish - and he wasn't a Jew, either...There were no Jews until Jacob had one of his 12 sons whom he named Yehudah [Judah] who started the Tribe of Judah, where the word "Jew" comes from. But yet, EVERYONE up until that time (except, of course, the pagans and heathens who were unbelievers or believers in other gods) was Torah observant!)

So, please keep those things in mind as you read the final two Torah portions of the year. To get started, simply click on the link above.

A word about the difference between "Sunday" and Shabbat - the "day of Rest"…

To put it bluntly, there’s nothing wrong with “Sunday worship.” We can “worship” on any day we want – as a matter of fact, we’re TOLD to be in constant worship. (Psalm 113:3, 72:15, 34:1; Hebrews 13:15; Revelation 4:8, etc.)

However, YHWH’s commanded Day of REST has always been the “7th Day” – which, on our Gregorian calendars – happens to fall on Saturday. It is the day He commanded us to take a break from our weekly work and just REST our weary bodies….

Take a look at how the following verses talk about REST, and not necessarily “worship” or congregating. (Yes, worshiping and congregating falls right in line with "Shabbat", but that doesn't mean we have the right to tell anyone to NOT “worship” on Sunday - which is what many Hebrew Rooters are posting in their attempts to lead Christians to the Truth of Torah. The simple fact is, while we are to REST one day a week, our "worship" of YHWH should never cease.)

Scripture explains that YHWH Himself “rested” on the 7th day….

Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, along with everything in them. 2 On the seventh day God was finished with his work which he had made, so he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 God blessed the seventh day and separated it as holy; because on that day God rested from all his work which he had created, so that it itself could produce. (CJB)

And here we see YHWH telling HIS people that His Shabbats are not only a Day of REST, but a SIGN between Him and His people! (And by the way, if you're ignoring that "sign" then WHOM are you worshiping?)

Exodus 31:16 The people of Isra'el are to keep the Shabbat, to observe Shabbat through all their generations as a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between me and the people of Isra'el forever; for in six days ADONAI made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day he stopped working and rested.'"

Exodus 20:8 "Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. 9 You have six days to labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Shabbat for ADONAI your God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work -not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property. 11 For in six days, ADONAI made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. This is why ADONAI blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself.

Ezekiel 20:11 I gave them my laws and showed them my rulings; if a person obeys them, he will have life through them. 12 I gave them my shabbats as a sign between me and them, so that they would know that I, ADONAI, am the one who makes them holy.

Isaiah 56: 2 Happy is the person who does this, anyone who grasps it firmly, who keeps Shabbat and does not profane it, and keeps himself from doing any evil. 3 A foreigner joining ADONAI should not say, "ADONAI will separate me from his people"; likewise the eunuch should not say, "I am only a dried-up tree."

4 For here is what ADONAI says: "As for the eunuchs who keep my Shabbats, who choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant: 5 in my house, within my walls, I will give them power and a name greater than sons and daughters; I will give him an everlasting name that will not be cut off.

6 "And the foreigners who join themselves to ADONAI to serve him, to love the name of ADONAI, and to be his workers, all who keep Shabbat and do not profane it, and hold fast to my covenant, 7 I will bring them to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples."

Isaiah 58: 13 If you hold back your foot on Shabbat from pursuing your own interests on my holy day; if you call Shabbat a delight, ADONAI'S holy day, worth honoring; then honor it by not doing your usual things or pursuing your interests or speaking about them. 14 If you do, you will find delight in ADONAI - I will make you ride on the heights of the land and feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Ya'akov, for the mouth of ADONAI has spoken."

There are many more scriptures like the above that describe YHWH’s Shabbat, but NONE of them suggest one cannot WORSHIP on “Sunday”…

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tell me again how Jews and their "converts" don't proselytize!

Well, I was born Jewish, AND I am here to say, "YES, Yeshua was definitely greater than Moshe!"

I guess I failed, in Hall's eyes, eh? Too bad so sad. I live to please ELOHIM, not mere men like Hall...

Anyway, how many ways can YOU list to show that Yeshua was and is greater than Moshe? I'll start us off:

While Moshe was certainly great, he was also just a mere human...a human who had the privilege of "speaking face-to-face" with God Himself and who ultimately was responsible for approximately 2 million people. He never performed any miracles on his own; he did what YHWH told Him to. YHWH worked through him - and in the end, He didn't allow Moshe to enter the Promised Land because he failed at one point to give glory to YHWH in front of the people.

Moshe taught Torah to YHWH's people and those who followed Moshe out of Egypt (who were absorbed into the tribes).... a belief system commonly known today as Judaism. Anything that has been added to Judaism (i.e., all the rabbinical, man-made fences) were from the sages and rabbis who came AFTER Moshe.

Yeshua, on the other hand, was totally sinless because he was divine - placed by YHWH Himself into the womb of a virgin. (It would seem to me that when your Father is YHWH Himself, you're automatically "divine"....)

Yeshua worked many miracles (I'd say healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the multitudes out of practically nothing, turning water into wine and walking on water rank as miracles....)

Once his human flesh died (an event the Jews kicked off in order to rid themselves of this "pest" who got into their faces and tried to get them to stop adding to YHWH's Divine Rules), he rose again to be seen by at least 500 before he was taken into the Heavens to sit at the right Hand of the Father. (That didn't happen to Moshe, or Torah would have mentioned it.)

There are approximately 2.4 billion Christians today, and myriad Messianics/Hebrew Roots adherents...all thanks to YESHUA who came to proclaim the KINGDOM OF YHWH and do everything His Father commanded ... perfectly.

Yeshua wins, hands-down!