Sunday, July 21, 2024


OH MY GOODNESS - PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS RABBI EXPLAINING THE POWER OF ELOHIM IN THE TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, and how Trump and America fit into this whole scenario! It's over an hour long, but well worth it, as he compares some Torah stories into what is happening today.

I have to admit (and please don't beat me up verbally until you finish reading my little soliloquy), I don't like Trump because he's an arrogant megalomaniac bully and "playboy" who has no respect for women and tends to incite rage and violence. I can't stand men like him!

My late husband, Bill Welker and I "wrote in" Dr. Ben Carson during that election year, and we couldn't believe that ultimately Trump won - yet, we were happy to see "Billary" lose... Bill and I had a sinking feeling that America is absolutely hosed when it comes to REAL leadership because it's become evident over the last 25 years, that there is none...

I couldn't believe Biden was elected, and oh my goodness - I dread the idea that if anything happens to that poor old gentleman (who belongs in a nursing home rocking chair instead of the White House), Kamala will automatically become President and, consequently, become Trump's opponent - which means that myriad women voters (like many folks did when Obama ran as the first "black man") will be crawling out of their holes to vote for her, just because she's a woman who may become the first female President of the United States. GOD FORBID!

(Unfortunately, America has many ignorant and fickle people who don't have any intellect or knowledge, and who vote with knee-jerk "feelings" - which is why we have morons running our country today.).

BE THAT AS IT MAY, I know that YHWH's WILL is etched in the proverbial granite, and I always accept His Will without hesitation. So, if Trump is His choice for America, I will shut my big mouth and deal with it. I don't know if I will ever like Trump, but I do hope and pray that this assassination attempt has jolted him awake, and filled him with a true desire for YHWH/Yeshua/Torah.

I pray it has turned him INTO a GODLY person who can steer America into a revival like never before, that reaches around the globe in ways we've never seen before. Perhaps that is why YHWH saved him - for "such a time like this." HALLELUYAH - to HIM goes ALL the Glory!

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