Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A word to all those who feel inclined to incite and/or engage in endless fights and arguments

A word to all those who feel inclined to incite arguments and attempt to tell others where they are wrong:

It's okay to do that -BUT, make sure YOU know what you're talking about! Make sure you KNOW Scripture, from cover to cover, and post IT, instead of just your own personal opinions. Opinions don't matter; Scripture does, which is really ALL you need!

Be VERY careful to "choose your battles" - because YOU might just be the one who is in error...

2 Timothy 3: 1. But know this: That in the latter days hard times will come: 2. and men will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, boasters, proud, revilers, unyielding towards their own people, deniers of grace, wicked, 3. unloving, addicted to irreconcilable malicious gossips, ferocious, haters of the good, 4. treacherous, rash, inflated, attached to pleasure more than to the love of Elohim, 5. having a form of respect for Elohim but wide from the power of Elohim. Them who are such, repel from you. (AENT)

2 Tim 2:14 Keep reminding people of this, and charge them solemnly before our Master (Y'shua) not to engage in word-battles. They accomplish nothing useful and are a catastrophe for the hearers! 15 Do all you can to present yourself to Elohim as someone worthy of his approval, as a worker with no need to be ashamed, because he deals straightforwardly with the Word of the Truth. 16 But keep away from godless babbling, for those who engage in it will only become more ungodly, 17 and their teaching will eat away at people like gangrene. (CJB)

James 4: 1. From where is it, that there are among you arguments and conflicts? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members? 2. You covet but do not possess; and you kill and envy, and effect nothing: and you fight and make attacks; and you do not have, because you do not ask. 3. You ask, and do not receive because you ask wickedly, that you may feed your lusts. 4. You adulterers, don’t you know that the love of the world is hatred towards Elohim? He therefore who chooses to be a lover of this world is the enemy of Elohim. (AENT)

Romans 16: 17. And I plead with you, my Brothers, that you beware of them who cause divisions and stumblings apart from the doctrine which you have learned: and that you stand distant from them. 18. For they who are such do not serve our Master Y’shua the Mashiyach, but their own belly: and by bland speeches and good wishes, they deceive the hearts of the simple. (AENT)

Isaiah 30:10: They say to the seers, "No more visions," and to the prophets, "Do not prophesy to us the truth. Speak to us pleasant words; prophesy illusions. (CJB)

So, what can we do about it?

Romans 14: 19 So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. (CJB)

We must continue to "keep on keeping on", enduring until the end because the same will be saved (Matt 24:13).

Matthew 24:10 At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, 11 many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people's love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. (CJB)

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