Friday, April 10, 2020

Can we know exactly when Yeshua died and rose?

Yes!  To begin with, we know that he died on the 14th of Nisan.  Read on….

John 19: 41 In the vicinity of where he had been executed was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb in which no one had ever been buried. 42 So, because it was Preparation Day for the Judeans, and because the tomb was close by, that is where they buried Yeshua. (CJB)

The above passage shows that Yeshua was placed in the heart of the earth approximately 5:00 p.m., or before sunset on the day he died. Seventy-two hours must end at the time we start the counting - about 5:00 p.m., or before sunset, that night.

Even on the eve of his death, Messiah Yeshua kept and fulfilled the Passover: He died on Wednesday the 14th of Nisan, and he rose some time after 3:00 p.m. on the Sabbath exactly three days later, depending on when he was placed in the grave.

The Sabbath is in commemoration of YHWH's rest at creation (Genesis 2:2), and Yeshua's rest after his redemption of mankind. The Sabbath is for a reminder of the sign (three days and three nights) of who Yeshua haMashiyach is: He the Master of the Sabbath.

Now, exactly how do we know that he died on the 14th of Nisan and that, that particular 14th of Nisan fell on a Wednesday? Because the 14th of Nisan is the day on which YHWH declared that the Feast of Passover should be celebrated FOREVER (Leviticus 23; Exodus 12:14)! And because of a series of events that took place just prior to the crucifixion:

ONE:  Yeshua fulfilled Zechariah 9:9 when, on 10 Nisan (a Sabbath - Saturday), he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, as the people waved palm branches:

9 Rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Tziyon! Shout out loud, daughter of Yerushalayim! Look! Your king is coming to you. He is righteous, and he is victorious. Yet he is humble - he's riding on a donkey, yes, on a lowly donkey's colt. (CJB)

The Bible tells us that it was a Sabbath Day's journey from Bethany. He then taught in the Temple for three days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

TWO:  As promised in Exodus 12:25-28 there was to be an explanation of the Passover service. This Messianic fulfillment took place when Yeshua showed his disciples how to celebrate the Passover Seder the evening before his death.

During this time he explained how HE IS the fullfillment of the Passover seder (Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Just as he delivered the Israelites with a mighty hand from the bondage of Egypt, so is he delivering us from the bondage of sin with His mighty right hand!

It was here that he explained the meaning of his person in the Passover elements. Afterwards, he and his disciples went to Gethsemene, where they spent part of the night.

THREE:  During the night Yeshua was arrested and we are told that his trial continued until approximately 9 a.m., when he was crucified. At 3:00 p.m. (the 9th hour) on Wednesday he died. 

Which means he ROSE late SATURDAY AFTERNOON!


  1. Very well explained ... perfect timing in every way was Yeshua's ...journey to the Stake the fact that before .. HE taught in the Temple for 3 days .. Sunday , Monday , Tuesday .. Exodus 12 ..25-28 .3 verses there was to be an explanation of the Passover service The messianic fulfillment took place when Yeshua showed HIS Disciples How to celebrate the Passover Seder,The evening before HIS Death. During this time He explained How HE is the fulfillment of the passover Seder.. Just as HE delivered the Israelites with a MIGHTY Hand from the Bondage of Egypt , so HE is delivering us from the bondage of Sin With HIS Mighty right Hand , bringing us out of our Egypt of Bondage .. Disobedience ... teaching us YHWH'S Torah.. how we are to be Torah Obedient to HIM YHWH/YESHUA... Yeshua explained the meaning of HIS person in the Passover elements .. this is MY Body broken for you .. the symbol of the Unleavened bread .. and with the Wine .. the symbol of HIS Blood shed .. Then to the Agony of Gethsemane.. where YESHUA Prayed with Sweat drops of Blood .. NOT MY WILL Father .. But Yours be done .. During the night .. Yeshua was arrested..and HIS Trial began a long night until 9am ... Probably then ??? the Flogging started... the beatings and spitting .. the mochary and as it came near to I was Thinking maybe ? about 2;30 the crown of thorns was placed on HIS Head and HE travelled to the HILL of Golgotha .. and there HE was crucified at 3pm On WEdnesday HE Died.. what thoughts runs through our minds ... we can barely take it in .. all that suffering ... and our ELOHIM had to turn HIS back on that awful heartbreaking sight.... what a JOY comes when we see that YESHUA AROSE Late SATURDAY AFTERNOON .. Through it all ... shows Torah .. Sabbath ... YHWH'S rest after creation .. YESHUA'S rest after such suffering.. for the redemption of all mankind .. 3 days and 3 nights fulfilled the prophecy .. and we see that YAHWEH commanded that the Sabbath and the Passover was ..FOREVER.. reading all the above .. oh that people would read this and see that everything .. all the series of events was all perfect prophecy fulfilled .. and reading that ... Oh that others would join in the JOY of being an Obedient Torah Observant believer .... after all that YHWH /YESHUA has done for us .. Yeshua Is coming Back again ... to set up the Kingdom of GOD , where we who are obedient to HIS Torah will reign with HIM forever

    1. Oh amein, Jemima! Lady, that's what I love about you - you're always THINKING! Thank you for this beautiful post.

  2. Amen! But so many are blinded by the Good Friday fable. If they would only pray for Yahweh to reveal His truth to them.

    1. ChaplainRick, that is my prayer, as well. It's been my experience that most won't. They all seem to be content, right where they are. It's depressing....


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